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I am SO nervous. You have no idea. On monday there are auditions to be in this years talent show. My friend, Tiffany, and I are singing Some Hearts by Carrie Underwood. I don't throw if I'm any good. I mean, my friends always say I sing great, but they're my friends, that is what they're supposed to say. I don't want to make a fool of myself.Catagelophobia is the fear of being ridiculled. I got checked out for it in the fourth grade, and I have it. That's why I never do things in front of people, or post videos on my you-tube. I can't stand the idea of being laughed at. I also have demophobia, which is a fear of crowds. My doctor told me that I have to start working on facing my fears. She thinks the talent show will help. I think that it's just going to cause unessecary pain and stress. Not like I seen to have a say in my own life, or anything. Note the sarcasm. But there is no way I'm doing this alone, which is why I'm having Tiff sing with me. Anyways, wish me luck! I think I'm going to be sick.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2010 ⏰

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