Jeff's problem

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Jeff:Ugh! When Slendy gonna be here?

Ticci Toby: I don't know ask E.J , he knows.

Jeff: Yo, jack when's Slendy gonna be here?

Eyeless jack: No idea , I heard we have to go to this party at offenderman's place.

Jeff: shit! That place?! I hate that place...

Eyeless jack: why? It's relaxing there, also they have free food. There's like lots of delicious kidneys.
Eyeless jack licks his lips and sat down on Slenderman's sofa.

Jeff: who cares about kidneys or food! My fan girl is there!

Eyeless jack : and whose that? Is it Jane?

Jeff: No! Jane lives here.. it's not Jane.. she's more like a stalker or a yandere..

Eyeless jack: what's her name?

Jeff : Nina, Nina the killer . Known as Nina Hopkins...

Eyeless jack: never heard of her. What she like?

Jeff : well first she's a fangirl second she is copy of me third she is stupid forth she's a bitch from hell and fifth she is not a real creepypasta like us!

Eyeless jack: hmm, sound like I wanna know more about her.

Eyeless jack puts a smirk in his face.
Jeff walks to the proxies to tell them to find Slendy.

Sally: Jacky when's the. Party gonna start? When are we gonna go?

Eyeless jack: When Slendy gonna
comes back to his office.

Sally put a thumbs up and carries charley the bear to Jane.
Jack wonders what Nina looks like.
Eyeless jack: I wonder what she looks like, probably she won't be that badwhat jeff said.
Jack walks outside to search for Slendy.

( end of part 1)

Stitched Love // Nina the killer X Eyeless jackWhere stories live. Discover now