Its Time...For The...Camp Raid

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Biting the back of his lip where you couldn't see he sighed trying to play it off. "Alright...alright (y/n)." He stated. How could he want you anymore than he already did but now it just intensified. Anyone with eyes could have seen for that millisecond of time how much lust was behind his eyes. He wanted to scan your figure and go back to that day in your apartment, where it was raining outside. He was literally fantasizing about you right in front of you, yet you had no clue no clue whatsoever, as to what he was doing...

After the meeting was done you all called in for the night and went to your respective rooms.. you were pulling your shirt off when your door clicked open and a familiar figure walked in. Your face paled "what are you doing in here at this hour..Toga? " you squeaked covering your chest with your hoodie that was in your hands.

" oh nothing I just want to know since when did you and stitches hook up I could smell it when you walked in with him~" your face reddened you could see the marks plain as day on your body from him and you tried to cover them. She laughed. " I'm not going to go blab it everywhere silly.. I just want to know is he any good? did he make you scream?..he for sure likes to mark his territory.. just tell me if he did something you don't want him to do I'll make an exception and stab him for you" she cooed looking at the bites a cross your shoulders clasping her hands behind her back.

"He was... and well uh.. its kinda hazy memory wize" you stated with a nervous chuckle. Seemingly satisfied with your short answer she snickers and says your rendezvous is safe with her. She then left abruptly, leaving you confused as ever, you huff and sit on your bed tossing your shirt and hoodie to the side flopping back making the frame creak, loudly. "Oh Tomura, oh Dabi... why are you two doing this to me?..." you groan softly under your breath placing the back of your hand over your eyes. Little to your knowledge they heard you, because they heard each other's names as well as their own and they couldn't help but wonder what exactly you were groaning your sentence structure wasn't the best in that statement to yourself.


.Morning of the camp attack.

You had woke up hours ago, your nerves were all over the place. Scratching your shoulder before rubbing your arm. You got dressed, stretching in your uniform you had for your quirk, it was tighter than you remembered. Some part of you felt woozy because of your dream prior. Tugging at the neckline of your uniform you sigh, it hugged your breasts quite nicely to say the least. Stepping into your shoes you smile at your reflection in the mirror set adjacent to your bed. Doing a select few poses you chuckle, ((we all pose in the mirror even if its a peace sign after you just cried your eyes out)) you felt confident in yourself.

Stepping out of your room you turn towards the main room, walking down the hall quietly, but your your shoes protested and clicked down the hall. Stepping into view Toga almost dropped her drink. "Dannngg (Y/n), you're soooo pretty..." she cooed placing a hand on her cheek in a yandere-esk way, eyeing you. She got up and strode over to you circling you even, giving you the look over and chuckling in approval.

Dabi had his eyes locked on your figure. Even when he knew what you looked like beneath those clothes it still irked him that he had to keep his hands off. Feeling eyes on you, yourself conciousness tried to tug at your mind. Shaking the feeling away, you bolstered your confidence and huffed crossing your arms." Thank you Toga~" you beamed. Your costume also was far from not being noticed by shigaraki. He tried to keep his eyes off of you, not that it mattered with "father" Covering his visage.

The day passed by rather slowly until the perfect time for the camp raid arrived. You could feel your chest tighten with every second as the mission commenced, we're you having a panic attack now of all times. We're you really about to subdue a bunch of grade school students. For reasons that only you and you yourself alone decided, you would not activate your quirk toward them. Upon passing through kurogiri's quirk into the heavily wooded area, you took a deep breath and a hand wrapped around your wrist tugging you back as the other villains walked forward. You turned abruptly, being torn from your over active thoughts to see Dabi with his hand gripping your wrist. What came out of his mouth next surprised you. " you can tell I'm one for dramatics but now isn't the time, get your head in the game I'm counting on you, alright (y/n) " his eyes were earnest and pure for a split second. He didn't want to see you get hurt so he broke his character just to give you a snap back to reality. (Whoop there goes gravity) You nodded and squeezed your fist tightly, enough to make your nails dig into you palm to calm your nerves that this was all happening. The pain was a sure sign that it was.

He let got of your wrist and you took to his side on accordance with the plan. -skipping the raid-

The rest of the raid went well, considering you got the target, but not without casualty and set backs, moving through the woods after Mr. Compress had captured the upcoming hero in question. You disappeared in the blackish smoke of Kurogiri's quirk. As you all arrived back at headquarters they released Bakugo and subdued him before he could cause too much havoc. You remained hidden so he could not identify you, be it him pointing out all the villains in the future, if he escaped it may be better he doesn't recognize you.


Sorry it took so long, depression and life kinda suck not going to lie but I will do my best to get back in the swing of things, I had a lot of ideas for this book when I started it and I want to finish the work for once so bear with me.  Thank you all for the support along the way and if you'd like. Please stay tuned.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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