His Blue Beauty- Travis x Sal

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Warning! This chapter may contain the following;
Foul language
•Homophobic slurs
•Mentions of abuse

             Travis didn't know why he felt the way he did back then... It was wrong! Disgusting! A boy should have never feel that way towards another man!

And yet... he found himself driving deeper. Staring in want and wonder any chance he got. During lunch, during class, he just couldn't get that blue beauty out of his head!

So he prayed and prayed for forgiveness, for him to just mysteriously disappear, but each day he still appeared. His face covered by that weird yet mysterious mask. His hair tied back in a way that was almost beautifully feminine, but that didn't change the fact that he was still a boy.

Travis knew that if his father was to ever find out, he would be dead for sure. No, not just beaten badly or thrown out. His father would kill him with no hesitation.

So he hid it. He screamed and punched the blue haired beauty, not realising just how wrong that was. He spread rumors, started fights, anything to make that sick feeling disappear. Yet nothing worked.

Day in and day out he felt the same feeling, gave in to the same sins. His father had began to notice, the bruising becoming more frequent as time passed. Purple blooms stretching across is skin like some kind of abstract painting. It hurt, but Travis knew he deserved it. It was a sin to feel this way, and sins must be repented.

Faggot,Homo,Gay... all those words he screamed were never ment for the recipient. No, secretly he directed them to himself, reminding what a disgusting being he truly was, to try desperately to change the fact. He wished he could be normal but he knew that would never come.

As much as he secretly wished that that blue beauty felt the same, he knew by the look of disgust on his face he never would. No... and why would he when he had the other two to choose from, the bitch and the best friend.

Travis couldn't deny the sparks between the bitch and him, the giggles that echoed through the hall. Nor could he over look the protective touches the two best friends would often display. It hurt him, it struck him to the core, but he didn't show it.

Not even an anonymous note could fix the wrongs he had done, and he knew that now... but it was too late.

Now he sat inside a court room, 3 yrs later, watching as his blue beauty stood for crimes more atrocious than any could think of. Tears wanted to pour down his cheeks, but what would that do? No, instead he just stared ahead, thinking of what could have possibly been, like many times before.

Maybe it was because of the hole he had ripped in his own heart without knowing it. A hole that no matter how hard he tried, could never be filled. Only one could ever fix it and that was,

                    His Blue Beauty.

            Hey guys!~
I hope you guys are enjoying this book. Sorry for the short update, life has been crazy so I haven't had time to write too much.

Anyways, I just wanted to remind you guys that Requests are open!

Just comment an idea and I will try and do it!(possibly lemons as well).

                    Thank you guys for all your support and I'll see you in the next update!

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