The sea-witch's tentacles smashed through the cabin walls and seawater flooded in. Pan and his shadow continued to wrestle with the sea witch, with Slightly and Tootles aiding. Wendy fell to the ground, dazed, and her eyelids fluttered closed. Pan barked a laugh, his expression manic as he sawed the snakes from the witch's head. But looking down, he saw Tootles struggling with the massive tentacles. The lad was trying to stem the rush of water flooding into the cabin but it was up past his knees now and one swipe of a tentacle had badly winded him.

The ship groaned, tilting port side, and the bed moved – sliding against the wall. Slightly managed to pull Tootles out of the way before the fourposter could squash him. Great waves broke against the side of the ship and sea spray soaked them all. The damage inflicted by the witch was too great for them to patch up and Pan realised the awful truth. They were going to sink. And quickly.

He looked around for Wendy but couldn't see her.

"Wendy!?" He swooped down, swerving to avoid a flailing tentacle, and dived into the water. He felt her arm and, seizing her tightly, pulled her above the surface. Wendy clutched onto him, coughing up water, and Pan adjusted his grip, lifting her up so that he could hold her more securely in his arms.

The ship creaked, its bow struggling with the pressure. Pan flew out of the cabin, swooping quickly up to out on deck. He needed to get her to safety before anything else. "To the boats!" He barked. The lost boys quickly obeyed. Pan heard the rumble as one of the cannons came loose, rolling port side. The lost boys ran around the deck, sweat shining on their tanned foreheads.

Meanwhile below, Pan's shadow pinned the sea-witch beneath the water – his phantom fingers covering his gills. Slightly helped Tootles out of the cabin, taking most of his weight, as they hastily clambered the steps to the deck. The first lifeboat was ready and Pan set Wendy down in it. He kissed her damp forehead.

"I'll be back," he promised. Wendy didn't reply.

Pan flew off, returning below deck. Wendy sat hunched over, she made no move to help the lost boys around her, but instead winced with every slight movement – her face growing paler.

"Mother?" Nibbs asked in concern, sitting down beside her. The boys used pulleys to lower the little boat into the sea. Wendy groaned as they jerkily descended. Her wet hair dripped sea water down her back, the droplets on her face disguising the beads of sweat that were rolling down her cold cheeks.

            "No!" Pan roared, seeing the sea-witch's body floating in the water. The scorched message was being lapped at by the sea but he was still able to read the words.


It was a curse and had been what had summoned the sea-witch. A gasp for breath caught Pan's attention and he saw one of the witch's snakes. Torn from the witch's body, it was struggling to wriggle up one of the bed posts and was leaving a bloody trail in its wake.

Pan seized the snake. He didn't have long, it was dying.

"Who summoned you?" He demanded.

"Ssspare me," the little thing pleaded. Pan squeezed it tightly, its blood dripping down his wrist.

"Who summoned you?!"

"The... water nymph."


Wendy awoke next to a campfire. She rolled onto her back and immediately cried out in pain. Pan hovered over her.

"Wendy?" He looked her over in concern. "Try not to move, your ribs are damaged." 

Her head was resting in his lap and his long fingers had been playing with her hair. He stroked her temple now, trying to coax her into going back to sleep.

Wendy felt sand beneath her fingers.

"Where," her voice was hoarse, "where are we?"

"A deserted island. Our boys are collecting more firewood and my shadow has gone to fetch my people. We won't be here long." He assured her. Wendy frowned, Pan had been crying – it was evident in his puffy eyes.

She sat up, moaning as her body protested. "No, Wendy-" He tried to dissuade but she waved a dismissive hand.

"I won't die, will I. I'll suffer but I will not die." Her tone was bitter.

"Oh, Wendy." He held her face and kissed her passionately. Wendy endured the intimacy. He deepened his kiss, not breaking apart until he'd run out of air. "I love you, Wendy. I love you unbearably much." He murmured, resting his forehead against hers.

"What was that thing?" Wendy asked.

"A sea-witch, sent to kill you."

"By who?" She frowned, how could she have any enemies? 

"Tinkerbell." He pulled back, his gaze downcast. "She betrayed me." He seemed smaller just then, his shoulders shrunken with vulnerability. "She's been by my side for centuries..."

Wendy knew better than to be taken in by how sad and lost he looked.

"What have you done to her?"

Pan didn't look up and Wendy shivered, no longer warmed by the fire.

           ** PRESENT DAY** 

"She'll help us," Wendy assured Hook. "Pan hurt her too." Wendy had heard rumours, snatches of the full horrors, of what Pan had done to his former ally. Tinkerbell would want revenge, Wendy was certain of that. Blinking back the emotion that suddenly pricked at her eyes, Wendy threw back her head and downed the remaining contents of her drink. 

Forget what he told you, Wendy chided herself. He didn't love you, a monster cannot love

My Darling Girl *Disney fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now