Chapter 9: Escaping Hell

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The picture above is what your wings look like. I don't own this art! Credit to the artist!

(Y/N) Your Name

(E/C) Eye Colour

"Sign Language"


2026. 12 years later this world had crumbled to pieces. Majority of the human race had died due to the deadly virus called the Simian Flu. The Simian Flu was created by the scientists in Gen-sys Labs. The scientists were testing the ALZ-112 on a bonobo ape named Koba. He was experimented on multiple times and had scars covering his body. He was used to the routine of tests but when the lab tried to test the new drug on him and he reacted quite violently. Hitting the tubes of the gas and the mask on the familiar scientist, Franklin. 

Franklin inhaled only a small amount of the drug but after a few days after that, he passed away. Before he died, he was trying to find Will Rodman to tell him about his symptoms. But Will's neighbour found him first which caused Franklin to sneeze on him. The neighbour turned out to be, a pilot.

Since he was infected, during a flight, the disease spread through the air conditioning and affected the other passengers. Which caused them to fall ill, and majority of them to die. It very quickly spread to other countries and infected them as well. 

The disease killed off most of the human race, but made the apes far more intelligent then predicted.

Losing (Y/N) was one of the hardest things that had ever happened the Caesar and his family. And being sent to the ape 'pound' was hard too. Once Caesar had spread the disease to the other apes, he joined forces with them. He became really good friends with Maurice, the orangutan. Rocket, the chimpanzee. And Buck, the gorilla. 

Their main goal was to get across the Golden Gate bridge and into the Redwoods to be safe from the outside world. Caesar led the apes over the bridge but lost many from the gunfire's of the police and choppers, including Buck. But eventually, they made it over the bridge and into the forest. And that's where they've been for the past 10 years. 

They set up fortresses, caught food, and extended their race. Caesar even met a friendly female chimp called Cornelia. They had one son, Blue Eyes (nicknamed after his mother and also because of his bright blue eyes) and a baby on the way.

Caesar had an amazing life. Friends, family, a safe home with shelter, food and water. But there was one thing missing, his sister to share it with.

With (Y/N)

(Y/N) on the other hand had a hard life. For 12 years, she was kept hidden in an abandoned warehouse far away from the city. So far, you couldn't see anything for miles except trees (not the Redwoods). The man that took her, forced her to tell him the secrets from Gen-sys labs. But she always said the same thing, "I don't know anything." Which was true, she was taken away at a very young age. He punished her every time, which was a lot. So (Y/N) managed to learn fighting skills when she was alone. 

She had a few small scars but the worst one was the massively long one that stretched across her back. 

One day, the man left the building to get something. He did this ever so often, but (Y/N) never knew what he was doing. She thought it was him going to make deals with others to sell her. But one day, he didn't come back. She was left alone for 4 hours. Eventually, she thought he was never going to come back. And he never did. 

So she escaped. She grabbed only a few supplies, a little amount of food, water, a pair of the man's combat boots and her handmade dagger. Even after all the torture and years that she was locked away, (Y/N) is stunning, smart and strong. Her eyes were a gorgeous (E/C) and her hair was still as lovely as it was before. Her pitch black wings were now magnificently large and powerful. Her clothes were a mix of black and brown. Mostly leather. The man who kidnapped her gave her materials but she had to make her own clothes. But now that she was free, she was going back home. 

To San Francisco. 

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