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So first I just wwanted to say I'm really happy that I got 3 vvotes! Ilyasm! If you really do like this please leavve a comment and tell me wwhat you think! Thanks! 💕🐟


I walked in the school rushing to my locker to get all my stuff and head for class.

I grabbed my ela books and ran to ela. I say down in the back next to karkat.

"Hey nerd how's it going" karkat said. Karkat actually was somewhat a friend..

"Good howws your day" I said

"Good... Has sol been bothering you lately?" Karkat asked.

"Yeah, on the bus" I said looking out the window

"I'll talk to him later about it" karkat said right before the bells rang.

After a few classes I went to lunch where I sat next to gamzee and tavros, they were dating and I was somewhat friends with them.. Besides karkat somewhat.

"Hey tavv" I said bringing a small amount of of good to the table.

"hEY ERIDAN" he said in his scratchy voice. "hOWS IT GOING?" Tavros asked

"Bad" I replied frowning

"iTS THAT SOLLUX GUY ISNT IT?" Tavros asked as gamzee sat down next to tavros

"Yeah, wwho else wwould it be" I replied eating slowly

"HeY ErIdAn" gamzee said kissing tavros on the cheek.

"Hey gam" I said

"HoW Is iT GoInG WiTh fEf?" Gamzee asked.

"Wwe broke up a long time ago gam remember? She's wwith sol noww" I said glaring at sol across the lunch room.

"Oh yEaH SoRrY BrO I FoRgOt" gamzee said frowing

"It's fine" I said sighing

~Time skip introduced by davve~

I walked home this time, I didn't want to deal with sol agian. I kept walking until I reached my home,

"I'm home!" I yelled and set my backpack down

"Hey hipster dork!" Cronus yelled from upstairs

"I hate you!" I yelled back going into the kitchen to get some food.

That's when I heard my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket and looked at it.

5 missed calls from sollux..

What does he want.. I thought and called him.

"Hiip2ter fi2h?" He said.

"Wwhat do you wwant" I asked and groaned

"Hey you wanna um.. Well.. Maybe.. Hang out tomorrow after school.. Fef and I Broke up." Sol said

My eyes widened as I heard everything.

"Um. Yeah sure...? Wwhat time..?" I asked

"4:00?" Sol asked

"Yeah sure that's good" I said

"Ok.. Um.. 2ee you there.." Sol said and hung up

I just sat there with my eyes wide open. And then. I panicked. Then blushed. Then swooned. Then cheered. Wait a minute.. Do I have feelings for him...?


Hey guys! I finished this chapter and all and school just started for me! I'm somewwhat happy howw evverythin turned out! If you wwant more chapters please vvote and leavve a comment! Thanks! 💕

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