Chapter 2:Naish to meat U

Start from the beginning

"Please,don't. I don't want you to get hurt."

I was almost standing up but I felt something on my hand,and it was her hand holding mine. Gripping it and looking at me to not go. And just be with her.


I sit back,but close to her. She got close to me too,and i take a look at her bleeding knuckles.

"It's gonna leave a mark. You have a scar. Let me fix it."

She looks at me,and it seems that she's not scared of me anymore. It's like she's believing me now. Her hands are shaking,maybe she struggled enough. She needs rest. I need to take care of her. I touch a little of her knuckles,and she exclaims.

"Does it hurt too much?"

She nods,and I keep looking at it. It's really bad. I bet she punched Noel hard. I kinda giggled at that thought.


"Nothing it's just I can't believe you punched Noel. I mean,he's far more stronger than you."

"That doesn't mean I'm not capable at punching someone."

She smiles a little and i smile too surprised that she is.

"You're smiling!"

I said excited and she just blushes. At least that's what I think she is. I giggle a little and she just smiles to me.

"Come on,let's get you to my house. I have bandages."

"What about school?"

I thought for a while,and look away. I bite my lip and i look back to her.

"I have an idea. It's gonna be a little sneaky."

"I like that. So what's the plan."

"I'm gonna pretend to be sick while I'm in my math class. I'm just gonna need something that looks like puke. And then,if i do get to fool the teacher,I'm gonna go get prince at my locker. You wait for me there."

She nods understanding,then I continued saying,

"You're gonna go to the principal's office first. But i have to ask you one question."


"Can you act?"

She blinks several times and thought for a moment,but then I think she found a way on how to act. Perfect. We're gonna be good,good,actresses.

*Bell rings...


"Oh hey guys."

Spencer looked at me surprised that I'm just smiling at her as usual. She just blinks to me and not saying anything,so I decided to speak.

"What's up?"

"O-oh,i wanted to say sorry for questioning your sexuality. I know you already told us about you being...not You."

"No,it's not your fault. I was being too emotional. But I'm always me."

"Butttt are you okay right now?"

Suddenly Aria asks who is walking with me at my other side. We three just walk together to our classes but in the same halls. I just look away while smiling,but then I shrugged.

"I'm fine."

"Wow,what is happening to our Emily?"

"Yeah,what is happening to me?"

After i met you,Alison,I've changed. Weird.

"Well,whatever it is it's totally none of our business so b-bye Emily."

Spencer says and walks together with Aria because they have the same class together. I walk pass their class,it's just few steps away from Alison's locker actually. I saw her leaning on her locker and noticed me. I smile to her and nod my head once,and she does it as well. We're ready.

She walks to the principal's office by walking through the halls and turning her direction to the right. I have my little bag with me so I'm ready too. I walk to my class passing Alison's locker and walking straight,and then after some few more steps,someone bumped me.

"I am so sorry!"

She said first because she bumped me that I tripped and fell on my bum. Ouch.

"I-it's okay. It's my fault I didn't look where I was going."

"Let me help you."

She handed me her hand,and I just rejected.

"It's fine I can stand by myself."

Oh no. Where's my bag? I look everywhere,but then my stomach feels a little bit wet-oh great thank you! So much!

"Oh my god.."

I said with a huge surprised look at my face in an awful way,now everyone's watching me. I opened my mouth shocked,the fake vomit bag leaked and spilled my shirt! It smells really really bad. I mean,seriously bad. Like dog poop. Now it's all over me. Thanks to her.

"I'm so sorry..."

I look at her,but not like a glare. I'm trying not to glare at her. I just close my eyes,and take a deep breath. I exhaled making my lips an O and relax. I smile at her,and I nod once but quickly. I stand up to my hand bag,and clench the leftovers of vomit in the bag making my hand soaking wet but I don't really care. I stand up on two legs,and walk pass her in a hurry but like stomping.


That's what I said and just left her alone there. Ugh,what am I gonna do with this mess?! It's gonna ruin the plan! I made that fake puke really hard! Now it's ruined! Well,actually I just poured all of the passed date food from the garbage by USING gloves,ladies. It's really stinky and it's on me. Great. Thanks to that girl. I think she's from the swim team. I've seen her before. Just never really get to meet her.

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