"The alliance" I said as I leaned down to retie my boots

"What? How did you- Why?" he struggled to understand.

"That bastard fucking ruined me, and I'll be damned if the truth doesn't come out about what he's done" I said grabbing the last of my belongings.

My dad nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm coming with you"


I don't know where I would have ended up if it weren't for my dad. Even though we had left at 9 in the morning we were still another full day away from where the council was held.

"You might need to explicitly explain what his crimes were.. are you sure you want to do it?" my dad asked. There was something in his eyes telling me that he didn't want me to do this. Not that I was an embarrassment to him, but just hearing about what I went through.. it was enough to make anyone sick.

"If there's one thing from Greenbrooke I've learned, it's that sometimes the grass is greener and that a better life is worth fighting for. This is something I have to do. I can feel it" I said as we climbed over a boulder and up a steep hill.

We reached the top of the hill we had been climbing for over an hour and were rewarded with a sunset over a giant tree covered valley.

"Beautiful." My dad said staring at the pinks and purples streaking across the horizon. "We should set up camp here for the night"

After building a small fire, we both leaned against a large tree trunk enjoying the warmth of the fire and enjoying the silence.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I said crooking my neck to see his face

"Why didn't you want to tell Reid you were going?" he asked with a furrowed brow.

I let a sigh out and stared back at the fire for a minute before answering.

"We kissed" I confessed "And I'm scared if I'm around him again I'll let him do it again"

My dad nodded pretending to understand but I knew by the look on his face I was only creating more questions.

"I think I like him a little too much. And I can't risk it. I don't want to mess anything up. I mean he was so kind and generous to bring mom and me into his pack.. and besides he hasn't found his mate yet. I don't think the heartache would be worth it"

A smile spread across my dad's face as he grabbed a hold of my hand "You know, I've learned that I will never regret loving someone." he smiled back down at me "You might never have it all figured out, but I believe in you to do the right thing. You just have to have a little faith that everything will work out just the way it's meant to"

I never thought I would be here. On my way to speak against my former Alpha with my dad who was excommunicated for being a traitor talking about love..

but here we were.

"I never apologized for how I judged you and treated you. I understand why you left now and I'm sorry for-"

"I'm the one that needs to apologize" he interrupted me "I should have figured out a way to bring you with me. I should've never left you with that monster."

Our eyes locked together over the fire and an understanding passed between us. I felt the years of anger melt away as I forgave my dad.

"I'm proud of you for doing this" he nodded

I smiled "me too"


After two days of walking, when we arrived at the council I was exhausted. The town that the council was in was full of different packs, rogues passing through, and wolves traveling to visit or meet up with family. I had never seen so many different people from foreign places all together before. My father weaved us through the crowd towards the large stone building in the center of town square.

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