You were about to try and switch the colours around but drinks being placed in front of you paused your actions. You looked up to thank Dan for the drinks when a head of hair stole your glance. A deep ink black head of hair caught your eye and you paused, but you weren't sure why - maybe just the sheer deep shade it was shocked you, defiantly not natural, or maybe your brain thought you recognised the style...

"I brought some sugar cause I didn't know if you took any with coffee or not" Dan chuckled slightly as he place the sweeteners beside your large cup of steaming coffee.

"I do, so thank you" You smiled politely back, "Chloe, do you want to stop colouring so you can drink your orange juice?" She nodded before dropping the colours she had in her hand to grab the small carton.

"So, how you liking the park?" Daniel questioned as he sipped his own drink,

"Well it's no Disney Land but I've seen worse" You chuckled as you blew on your drink.

He simply nodded before you three sat in a comfortable silence, watching as other families walked around the park and listened as your daughter sucked all the possible remaining juice and air out of the carton.

Soon you left once you were done with your drinks, grabbing you things from the table as Dan headed out with Chloe. You soon caught up to them and saw Dan holding your now wailing daughter with a distressed look on his face.

"I swear I don't know what happened. She wanted to climb on the little ledge thing so I helped her up and was holding on to her so she didn't fall, she then wanted to get off so I was going to grab her but she wanted to jump and I let her and she landed it and then somehow fell over and I dunno why she's crying" Daniel babbled, You smiled and shook your head, taking Chloe from him and bouncing her up and down in your arms gently.

"Don't worry; she's always been a drama queen - just like her mummy. She's fine" You said, "You okay baby" Chloe lifted her head and nodded it slightly. Dan sighed thankfully before motioning for the two of you to keep walking.

"So what's it been like being a single mother?" He asks randomly after a few moments of silence.

"It was tough at the start, that's why Ed was with me an awful lot - not just the fact we live with him but he went everywhere with me. Though times have been difficult it's all worth it - I've never loved something so much as I love my kids" You smiled, watching as your daughter skipped between the two of you, both of you holding one of her hands.

"And the father, why isn't he around? If you don't mind me asking..." Daniel looked nervous to ask. You were surprised by the fact that Ed had never told him but you carried on anyway.

"My ex-fiancée is and was in a band, at the time they were at the best they had ever been. He was fitting so much into his days back then with things with his band and helping me plan the wedding. One morning I was extremely unwell so Ash suggested that I went to see the doctor, so I did. And that's when they told me I wasn't ill, I was pregnant - turns out I was about a week pregnant. I went home, told him the good news and he flipped... he didnt want the kids and that was final... so I left, we were over just like that and I haven't seen him since" You remembered the day very rividly. Though you did lie at the end, it's not like Dan would know.

"Wow... Who would do that to someone?" Dan questioned out of disbelief,

"Ashton would" You chuckled with a disapproving sigh.

Before the conversation carried on you saw your brother and kids getting off the ride, once they saw you Maddie and Jason ran towards you - each grabbing one of your legs.

Triplets (Long Imagine) ||Ashton Irwin||Where stories live. Discover now