Soon, Brad had to go to do some interviews, so I was left with my college friends as we walked around town. It wasn't long though, before we had to head back. However, I got a text from Kian who had stayed behind in college, who said that apparently Pete wouldn't be teaching us in the afternoon. That apparently Richard was planned to teach us in the afternoon as well.
"Well fuck that." I said, firmly.
"We're not going back, then?" Dean asked.
"I'm certainly not." I scoffed. "He'll be even more passively aggressive if we go in now. No thank you. I'm going home." I decided.
"Yeah, me too." Rebecca agreed. So soon, I was on the bus heading home, talking to Brad via text.
'Want me to go in and talk to Richard? Because it's getting a bit silly 🙄'
'Nah, it's okay. I can handle it. But I couldn't deal with him today 😤 I know it was probably the wrong thing to do, but I hate him so much, I just don't want to deal with that crap. Not when I don't have your arms to run into when it's over 😉'
'Awh babe. I'll be home soon 😘😓'
'It's okay. I'm just glad you're enjoying yourself out there 😊'
'You're too sweet. Well if you ever do need backup for Richard, I'll be right there 💕'
'I know baby. And it means so much to me 😘'

Sunday - Brad's Back!
Today was very slow, even though I woke up at 11. I was waiting for my Bradley-Bear to come home. He was on the plane as I was making myself lunch and would be landing at 4. Then he was getting a taxi all the way to mine. I felt bad that he wasn't going back to his parents first but he insisted he wanted to come see me first. So the wait was unbearable as I had no way of contacting him due to him being on  a plane. However, as I was watching YouTube, I got a text from the bear.
'I'm heeeere! And fucking tired 😓'
'Awwwwh baby. I'll get ya to bed the moment you come home 💕'
'Thanks sweetie. I'd love that. But only if you're in bed with me. We've got lots of cuddles and kisses to make up for 😉😘'
'I can't wait! I missed you more than I thought I would, honestly 😬'
'Same for you. It's never the same without you 💕'
'Tell me about it. Without you I don't even feel like my full-self.'
'But you're still glad Im doing these trips, right?'
'You know I am. It's just a couple days. And I can put up with longer. I'd much rather you excel in your career. Seriously ❤️'
'I love you so much'
'I love you too'

Finally, I heard the taxi pull up outside the house and I practically shot down the stairs. Brad came in looking like a zombie he was so tired. So after saying a hello to Mum and Dad, I took him upstairs.
"God I missed you." He said once I shut the door, immediately wrapping his arms tightly around me.
"Awwwh, Brad, I missed you too. You okay?" I asked, a bit worried.
"Yeah. I just needed this." He mumbled, holding me close.
"C'mon.. Let's get you to bed." I smiled, pushing the jacket he had on off his shoulders. He stripped down to his boxers and was soon snuggled in my bed.
"You're so cute." I said, watching him struggle to keep his eyelids open.
"Get in." He said, patting the space beside him. So I also got undressed and got under the covers, where he immediately ensnared me with his arms, pulling me intimately close.
"You really are my Bradley-Bear." I smiled, enjoying the cuddle.
"Only one more trip. One more trip on Argentina, then I'm home for good. And that's in November so we've got some time." He mumbled.
"It's okay, Brad. I'm so proud of you." I assured him, pulling him close.
"I love you. I really hope you know that." Brad whispered.
"I do, darling. Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am, but I believe you when you say it." I promised him. Soon, he drifted off to sleep, snuggled in my arms.

It was Halloween. Not only that but it was the first day of the holiday. It wouldn't be long till we would be going to London to meet Tom Holland, which I could not wait for. But before then, Brad was taking me down to Birmingham where he, Connor and a couple of their friends and I would be going out all dressed up for some drinks. Brad and I were in the car, on the way.
"What costume did you get again?" Brad asked.
"A mad scientist outfit. Just because it's fairly easy to move around in. Just a lab coat, some goggles and maybe some fake burn marks." I chuckled. I had ordered it online while Brad was in India. "Are you gonna tell me yours yet?" I sighed, waiting to finally find out.
"Noooo, it's a surprise." Brad grinned.
"Whyyy? It's just a Halloween costume." I chuckled, bemused by it.
"Because I say so." Brad smirked.

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