party cuddles ; part two

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warnings; cussing (duh), alcohol
sean pov
"I'll go outside for a bit to sketch, see you Lyla!" I heard my classmate say as she got up, took her sketchbook and went outside. "I'll go with her" I said and then.. There was silence.
"Dude. Tell me the truth. You like Y/n more then Jenn. Don't you?"
'Shit' "..No. Why would I th-" "Fuck Jenn, we gotta make a pla-" I hang up on her. 'God'.
I went to the backyard, the sun was slowly starting to go down, which meant that Y/n's face got luminated by the orange-ish colors of the sky. 'Lyla's right. Fuck Jenn.' I thought as i sat next to my actual crush.

...You might be asking what the fuck is up. Am I crushing on Jenn or Y/n? ...The truth is that i always thought Y/n wasn't interested in me, so i tried to get over her by finding som-

"Sean?" Y/n cut me off as I just looked at her. Her eyes are so beautiful. I could paint a whole galaxy just by looking into them. 'Confess to her. Confess. Sean. Con-' "Nothing, just thinking about..The party." "The amazing party where you and Jenn will cuddle and I will sketch you like Jack from Titanic?" She said with a mocking voice "Ha-ha very funny... What do you wanna sketch?" I asked while actually blushing a bit. "How about the sky? It's so pretty right now.." She said while sounding quite dreamy "But you're still prettier.." I mumbled hoping she would...not hear it. "Huh?" "I said it's sometimes even prettier" I said while softly smiling at her, to which she just nodded as her soft h/c hair bounced.

...And so we sketched. While i was still convincing my self to confess. I actually kept stealing glances over to her. How her hand moved so smoothly, holding the pencil so softly yet drawing with passion. Her hands look so smooth. Her lips even softer. Her hair look so fluffy i want to just run my hands through it...

...After some time, we finished. Y/n was of course faster then me due to my thoughts..

"I love it" She whispered as she leaned closer to me, i could feel her breath on my skin...

"Sea— Oh, hello N/n!"

"Hello Mr. Diaz!" Y/n said with a cheery voice "I told you to call me Esteban." "Right, hello Esteban." She said correcting her self meanwhile I was here cursing at him for ruining this moment even though I most likely wouldn't have the balls to make a move. "I just wanted to check on you, Sean, but since I see that N/n is here I'm sure you're doing fine!" He said as I just weakly smiled at him. "Well, I'll let you kids enjoy your time..." He said as he left...
"Should we head to the party? It's getting late." Y/n suggested as I just shrugged.

...On our way to Lyla we actually discussed about things like drawing, or how we both hate parties. When we finally were at Lyla's she gave me a weird smirk while looking at me and then Y/n. 'Fuck. You.' I mouthed at her out of pure annoyance. "Let's go fellas!" Lyla said while grabbing us both, leading us towards the so-amazing-party...

...Loud music, loud people. Too many people for my liking, plus most of them are high as fuck or wasted as fuck. I really didn't want to come, I literally came just because of Lyla and Y/n. And maybe Eric, he's a nice dude. As soon as we stepped in Lyla dragged us over to a barman who clearly gave no fucks about our age. And so it begun...

...Me and Lyla have been talking about some things meanwhile Y/n left somewhere and some occasional times someone joined us for a bit. Later on I have no idea where Lyla nor Y/n are. Just sitting on a stool, drinking- uh- vodka with.. orange juice? 'Fucking hell...' Aaand there's Lyla. Wasted as fuck...

"Ookay listen, here is my plan, i called it 'Lyla's plan'—" "Wow, what a majestic name.." I sarcastically pointed out. "S-shut up. I'm trying to get you a girlfriend." She hissed as she punched my arm. "Geez, sorry.." "—anywayssss, Y/n is currently alone drinking, which is a great opportunity for you. to. make. a. moooove." She said while looking straight into my eyes. "..Riiiight.." I said while finishing up that vodka shit, then Lyla suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards somewhere. The longer we walked, the less we could hear the loud ass party. "She's somewhere here, just look around..." She said while already wandering off nearly tripping over her own feet.

...And so I walked around, seeing not-so-pleasant-things. Some people threw up, some were drinking like it's the last day of their lives, some were making out... Including Jess. I couldn't tell who she was making out with but damn, I'm glad It's not me... On my way there was actually some girls and even boys hitting up on me, to which I jut ignored them. Y/n was the only thing on my mind at that moment. Just this afternoon I was crushing on Jenn. What the fuck Sean, get your shit together...And then I saw her. Not on a stool, on a couch. Not drinking, sleeping. Peacefully. I wish I had the time to draw her. So I just awkwardly stood there thinking about what to do next. Wake her up? Sit next to her and wait 'till she wakes up? 'Fuck it' I drank the shot of some alcohol that was on the table and slid next to her while covering us both with a blanket, as I put an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

"Oh. Uh. 'Sup Sean." I heard her mumble into my shirt. "So how about sketching me and you later" I said while kissing her hair. "Wow. Real smooth Diaz. Reaaaal smooth." She said as she squirmed around to make her self comfortable. "I love you" She whispered. "I know." After that she bit me in the neck. "Ouch!...

..Did you bring the handcuffs?"


yeet. i had no idea what i was writing because i never went to a party so uhhh yeah 🤠

do yall want me to continue this with a smut,,,,

requests; open!

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