Let Her Dig Her Own Grave

Start from the beginning

How to be as cold and perfect as ice.

And then, when the others emerged, he was neglected and laughed upon, as if he wasn't needed anymore and thus should've be thrown away like garbage. The loneliness, the endless hours screaming in the dark...

Dennis looked down and saw a a bowl of candy badly placed, which momentarily served as an anchor with the real world, slipping away from his thoughts while he fixed its position.

"Ya know what, uhm...I'm doing much better, I shouldn't have emailed you. I'm just--I mean, look at me. I'm too impulsive!" He smiled with a smile that was not his. 

Even though sometimes he wished it was.


Water rushed through Mabel's face delicately as she washed it in the bathroom, feeling how it cleaned his skin and spirit. Carefully, she placed both hands at each border of the ceramic and breathed in heavily. It was becoming more and more difficult to control her thoughts—though control was not a word she could apply, as she was never able to tame her stormy mind. 

Mabel rubbed a hand through her hair and, for a moment, she thought about Casey. The albino had never wanted to ask about the private life of her friend, as she understood what it was to have secrets too deep and dark to tell. She did know Casey escaped from the assault, so did she report everything to the police? Were they looking for them right now? The girl really hoped so. 

She only prayed they didn't uncover her secret.

Without much thought, she lifted her head to look at her reflection at the mirror. The bright light of the light bulb momentarily hurt her eyes, and she damned under her breath as she placed her hands over them. Her eyes were so weak she couldn't even see when there was a lot of light. That's how pitiful she was, she thought innerly. After a few seconds, she took her hands off her faced and opened her eyes.

And that's where she saw it.

In the reflection, right beside at her, there was another face. It looked like her own but, at the same time, it wasn't nothing like hers. Eyes crying blood, fangs long and sharp and an insane visage.

She wasn't staring at a human.

She was staring at a devil.

Mabel shrieked in pure horror and looked at her side, only to find that is was empty. Breathing rapidly, she gazed back at the mirror, finding that she was alone again. She realized, with a tear streaming down her face, that she has been the entire time alone. 

"Shh! Come here!" Mabel heard Marcia whisper, hopeful "There's a woman out there!"

Placing a hand over her heart in order to calm herself, she left the bathroom and saw the two girls on their knees, staring through the keyhole. Mabel walked towards them quietly and sat near them, resting her ear carefully on the door. She tried to focus, but the previous incident still affected her.

It was finally happening. She was really loosing her mind.

"Dennis, admit what you've done." A soft but severe voice came through, forcing Mabel to finally stop thinking about what happened.

"Don't get upset." The voice sounded very familiar, and she instantly recognized Dennis as the man that captured them.

"Don't tell me. I'm getting frightened." The worry in the woman's voice was palpable, making a ray of hope shone. Perhaps Casey did manage to send help? "I thought that you had this under control. Please tell me it's not too late."

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