1. New Year

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Edited 14.11.19


It's the new year eve full of bright lights piercing through the darkness. Streets are crowded with childrens smiling holding colorful balloons, toys and candys walking with their parents.

Couples holding hands kissing and promising their love. Friends and families celebrating counting every minutes for the coming happy year.

In the middle of the crowds two men can be seen holding hands smiling with loving gaze at eachother. Both with a strikingly handsome feature like those models came out of magazine.

People can't help but turn to see them again and again. Unknown to those eyes' looking at them the two handsome men holding hands smiles at each other as if they are in their own world nothing else matters.

Few women passing by looks at them with 'awe', some envy. Another woman muttering 'why every sexy men has to be gay'.

Hearing that one of the handsome men turns at the women with a upturned lips light blue eyes sparkling with mischief wink at her as a alluring devil himself. The women blush and looking away as her friends burst into laughter. 

"Um babe I wanted to ask you something um ah.. um you...." Nick says grabbing Sam's attention from those women.

Sam turns to look at him replacing the devilish smirk with a soft smile. Nick's eyes soften to the point where one can see him like the emoji with heart shape eyes.

"Hmm? Sorry love I didn't hear you" Sam looks with a smile caressing Nick's flushed cheeks

Scratching his neck Nick try to compose this thoughts as he fiddle with his fingers something in his pocket. Looking down he sighs think 'nevermind let's not ruin the night'

Nick looks up smiling "Oh nothing babe.... I was saying let's go back though I want to spend the whole night staring at you and running the streets holding you".

He looks at Sam with a helpless smile "We need to go it's half past 12  remember your dad odered me to bring you back by 1, else he will be standing by the door with his gun pointed at me".

"Okay let's walk back home ask your guards to bring the car" saying Sam rush towards the ice-cream stall holding him. Nick helplessly smiling looks at Sam and calls the bodyguard.

"Nick you know you can tell me anything right love" saying Sam turns towards him "Stop fiddling with the thing in your pocket and tell me what it is".

Sam chuckles as Nick's face looks like a child hiding candy caught by his parents. Seeing Nick's hasitation Sam says "You know I like surprises but now I am getting impatient and over excited" he hold his hand out "Come on show me"

Looking at those puppy eyes Nick can only sigh 'he can never say no to those eyes'. He cups Sam's face in his hands "Ok so Sam we have been dating for 4 years six months and yah 3 hours 10 mins"

"Don't you dare tell me you are breaking up and that's a parting gift I will cut that dick off yours and hang" Nick cut-off Sam's rambling "at your home with my picture to tell the world what a worthless prick I am yeah I know, I know how badass you are"

Nick laugh emptying all the strain from his shoulder "God no I don't wanna die so soon" He takes out a beautiful black velvet box with the symbol of Sam's favourite designer and continues "Ok let's not make your brain think any weird idea"

He looks at his watch "So yes as I was saying its 3hr 22 mins now we are dating and I am in so love with you that I really see myself growing old and wrinkly together with you lazily siting in the lawn drinking tea ofcourse you eating ice-cream with a few dogs and two goldfish in a small house by the sea..."

".....you wearing this ring" saying Nick open the box and take out the beautiful platinum ring exquisitely carved with a diamond on it "So let's get married"

For few seconds Sam remains still with big eyes and parted lips it's like he even forgot how to breath. Unsure of Sam's silence Nick's smile fall off as he try to put that ring inside his pocket again.

"Wait!!" Sam grabs his hand midway whisper yelling "You are not joking right?" Nick shook his head as 'no' with that Sam's eyes become watery "O my God! I can't believe this. Really!"

Nick can't think weather he should laugh or cry. Hanging his head low he try to act sad asking "Is that a no Sam?"

Groaning Sam yells "No you dumbass I mean yes.....Yes! I will marry you" unable to contain his happiess he tug Nick into a fierce hug "I love you so much babe" he whispers to Nick's with so much raw emotions as tears beaming to slide from the corner of his eyes.

"I love you too my love so much. You can't imagine how happy you made me today babe" saying Nick takes a deep breath inhaling the sweet smell of Sam's neck to prevent him from crying.

"Someone please pinch me I think I am dreaming" Sam chuckle hearing Nick as he push his body little still hanging his hands hangy in Nick's waste

"No handsome you are not dreaming" saying Sam rubs the edge of his nose with Nick's "Now give me my ring back idiot"

Laughing Nick takes out the ring from his pocket "so um can....can it put it in your finger" he asks holding the ring in his  shaky hand "God I am so nervous" he let out a small chuckle. 

As Sam gives him with a 'duh' look "ofcourse you will put it or should I call that sexy hunk over there to help me"

Frowning Nick looks turning his shoulder where Sam pointing at and sees a old man sitting by the cafe grinning at them. Sam starts to laugh "You should have seen your face"

"You're such a tease babe" Nick tells laughing together with Sam as he push the ring in Sam's finger "Yes, but I am your tease" Sam grin "it's so beautiful. Perfect!" They kiss each other.


Author note:

Thanks guys for giving you time to this book. I will be glad if you give me your reviews about the chapter. Also English is not my first language so there might by few mistakes, you can pin me if you find one.
Love from SaM.

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