Chapter 8: How Many Of Your Friends Have I Killed?

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Ironwood's POV (Four days later)

"I want my phone call," he kept droning on and on about it, repeating the same phrase over and over, "Just give me my phone call."
I entered the cell, and he happily sighed and fell to the floor. "How many of your friends have I killed?" he asked me.
I grabbed him by his neck and began to choke him. "I'm old enough to know how you criminal scum play these types of games, and I know the difference between punks who need a lesson in manners... And the freaks like you who would just enjoy it... And you've killed ten of my friends."
"Ten?" he said, sickeningly astounded, "Well, I suppose I've had worse days. What's say next time, I aim for, uh... one hundred, shall we say?"
He kicked me away and spun around, wrapping the chain around his torso. "Round and round the garden," he sang, "Like a teddy-bear. A-one step, a-two steps--" he lunged at me, gritting his teeth, "Jacques will die under there! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
I turned to leave, but then he said, "In their last moments, people show you who they really are... So, in a way... I knew all ten of your friends better than you could ever hope! Want to know which of them were cowards?"
I smirked and clenched my fist. "I know you'll enjoy this," he cracked his neck, and smiled, "So I'll have to try and enjoy it even more!"

Your POV (Five minutes later)

You ran into the main building, Ironwood with a gun to his head. You had managed to free yourself when Ironwood missed you and broke the chain pinning you to the wall. "FREEZE!" an Atlas soldier yelled, "DROP THE GUN!"
"IT'S MY OWN DAMN FAULT!" Ironwood yelled, "JUST SHOOT HIM!"
"Yes, everyone," you smile, "Listen to your General, but know one thing: Kill me, and nothing will stop Jacques' death."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" a soldier asked.
"I asked you politely," you explain, "I BEGGED you... But did you listen? Oh, no, you didn't." 
You then whispered to Ironwood. "You should have given me that phone call... Now, Mr Schnee's blood is on your hands!"
He gasps as you knock him out and quickly kill all the soldiers. Cracking your back, you open a box labelled 'Prisoner 624A. WARNING: DESTROY CONTENTS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!' "Oh, don't worry, guys," you look at your suit, "You're not due for a cremation JUST yet."
You then see the detonator. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Jacques," your finger brushes over the button, "But I got... Sidetracked, shall we say? Anyway, it's time you went out with a BANG! AND A BIG ONE!"
You press the button and watch out the window. A giant explosion creeps its way over the roofs of Atlas. "AHAHAHAHAHA!" you laugh, "DON'T STOP ME NOW, BOYS! I'M DRIVING MYSELF CRAZY!"

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