Chapter 7: I've Changed Things... Forever

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Ozpin's POV (Four months later)

I went to see my son. He had requested that I visit him, to make amends. I was sceptical, but Ironwood assured me he wouldn't get out. I entered the cell and sat down in front of him. "You wanted me," I said, "Here I am, son."
"Not a moment to soon," he was in a straight jacket, chained to a wall, "I'm very disappointed in you, daddy dearest. You let six people die... Then, you let mother, your own screw-toy, take your place. Even to a psycho like me, that's... Cold--"
"Where is Jacques Schnee?" I asked him.
He had gone missing around the same time as Taiyang. Ironwood had no doubt Y/N had taken him. "So many people just want the old me back, so we can get back to the way things were," he lay on the floor, staring daintily up to the padded ceiling, "But I know the truth. There's no going back. I've changed things... Forever."
"So why do you want to kill me?" I asked.
He burst into a fit of laughter, before lunging at me, snarling. If not for the chain or straight jacket, I would have been a goner. "I don't want to kill you," he laughed, "What would I do without the man who helped bring me into this world? Be a small-time crook? No... You complete me."

Your POV

"I complete you?" Ozpin asked, "You're psychotic, sick, everything you weren't."
You were pushing in the nail. Time to hammer it in. "To him, you're just a freak... Like me. He needs you now, but when he's finished. He'll cast you out like a leper. His morals, his code, it's all a joke. And a BAD one, at that. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. He's only as good as the world allows him to be. Trust me, when the chips are down, that... 'civilised person'... will dominate us all. See, I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve--"
Just then, Ironwood stormed in and grabbed him by the throat. "GET OUT!" he yelled.
As Ozpin reluctantly left, Ironwood growled at you, "Where's Jacques?"
"You have all these rules, and you think they'll save you." you weren't going to be intimidated by Ironwood.
He threw you into a wall, as your laughter grew. "THE ONLY SENSIBLE WAY TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD IS WITHOUT RULES!" you yell as he exits the cell, "AND TONIGHT YOU'RE GONNA BREAK YOUR ONE RULE!"
"I'm considering it." he closes the door, allowing your laughter to echo around you.

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