The Five Doctors

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River Donna and Rose stood staring in awe amazed by the Doctors. River went to say something but before she did the full Tardis jolted to the side heavily but stabalised fairly quickly. 10 walked over to the doors and pulled them open to show not space but another set of Tardis doors uo against the entrance. 10 stared for a few seconds before they opened to. 12 almost walked straight into 10 who stepped back quickly. 12 looked over 10's shoulders. to see the other 3 incarnations behind him.

12: Ah hello. I suppose, by the expressions on your faces, you weren't expecting anymore guests to your Tardis party.

11: b- but that's not possable.. If you're another Doctor you can only be from the future but that is impossable!

10: Why is is? We have one regeneration left

11: I'll explain later.

12: Did I spoil the fun because you all seem very quiet... Mind if I come in?

10 stepped to one side and as 12 walked in he looked behind him briefly and waved his hand.

12: Come on Clara it's  safe It's only me, me, me and me.

9: You're scottish?

12: REALLY? I hadn't noticed!

War Doctor: Scottish and sarcastic. God help us.

12: Sorry grandad. Well anyway. Me and Clara saw this Tardis on our scanner and thought we'd come say hello. And s7ce I dont remember a single thing about this particular gathering you *points to 11* obviously forget. So in that case. Hello, I'm the Doctor.

11: I wont ask how to save the risk of major enomolies.

War Doctor: There are 5 solid Doctors in my Tardis. Enomolies are basically flies on the wall at this point.

9: Look we have a Master, Dalek problem.

12: Which Daleks?

9: Cult of Skaro.

War Doctor: Oh and I met a gold cyberman which can reverse your time stream.

12: Sounds like somethong I'd get stuck in.

Clara: What doesn't?

Rose: Well since I've no idea whats going on I'm just gunna say I'm Rose.

Clara: Hi. I'm Clara. Hello River.

River: We've met?

11: Jim the fish situation.

River: Right.

Donna: Hello, Donna Noble.

Clara: Hi.

9: Ok Introductions done. Stop before I turn into him *points to 10*

10: Oh shut up.

12: Yes anyway. We have Daleks to be taking care of.

10: Ok then. Back to the Tardis's

9: Fantastic.

11: Geronimo.

10: Alons-y!

War Doctor: *looks to 12* ...No? Me either.

The two Tardis's materialised beside the other 3 in the clearing infront of the forest. 9, 10, 11, 12, The War Doctor, Rose, Donna, River and Clara all walked out.

11: Right. Well your (12s) Tardis materialised with his (War Doctors) so 5 Tardis's, 5 Doctors, 4 Companions, 1 Master and some Daleks.

12: And still, The question is, Who has a better plan?

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