The 5th Doctor

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The Doctors and companions all barged into the 9th Doctor's Tardis and spaced out. 9 stood over the console just incase they needed to escape quickly. 10 leant against one of the huge coral beams. 11 Leant on the gates leading to the console and 5 stood not touching anything.

9: How did you get here?

5: There was a cyberman. Gold this time. They cant help but upgrade themselves to appeal the universe. Well he reversed my regenerations and dropped my body off at a different point in time. A cyberman capable of reversing me from my 9th body to my 5th.

11: So you started out as the Doctor that fought in the Time War. A fifth doctor hasn't turned up?

5: Yes it's still me. No more Doctors have arrived but I wouldn't put it past us.

10: So what are we going to do about the Cyberman?

5: We could use the Sonic Screwdriver to destroy it like we did with the Dalek in Arcadia.

11: I think you're forgetting that one of us wasn't there for that.

9: Hm? Sorry I lost interest. Apparently I'm not too interesting.

Donna: It's alright I just watch his mouth move sometimes.

10: Will you two cut it out?!

11: Right. Sonics at the ready.

9, 10 and 11 pulled out their Sonic Screwdrivers and 5 reached into his pocket and realised something.

5: Oh! Oh I forgot. The origional Sonic was destroyed in Castrovalva!

10: Well does that mean you don't have it?

5: 'fraid so...

11: 3 Sonic's should be enough to do the trick. Lets get out there and destroy this cyberman! GERONIMO!

10: Alons-y!

9: Fantastic!

River, Donna and 5 rollled their eyes. As the 3 Doctors ran out of the Tardis and mimiced the act from Gallifrey when they destroyed the Dalek, 11 stood in the middle with 9 and 10 on each side. The gold cyberman walked closer and held out his arm.

Cyberman: Delete

10: Sorry

9: But this time you're the one being deleted.

11: NOW!

The Doctors each flung forward their arms and streams of light erupted from the sonics. One bright flashing green light sandwiched by two blue streams. Each one crashed into the Cybus label on the Cyberman's chest. His head flung back and all his joints shone with a bright yellow light. Then the casing exploded and the light streams reversed into the sonic's.

Meanwhile inside the Tardis, 5 was walking quickly around the console of the Tardis wiring his wrist to it.

Donna: What are you doing?

5: Need to extract a little bit of the energy from the heart of the Tardis. Neutron Energy it's called er-

Donna: yeah yeah neutron blah blah you havent seen it for years it has many uses blah blah blah I've heard it call before.

River: Not Bad.

Donna: Thanks. Anyway what do you need it for?

5: Well hopefully the Tardis can figure out the dangers of the reverse regeneration and put me back into my own body via time energy extracted from the vortex in the form of a regeneration.

Donna: You mean you're gunna turn yourself back into that miserable sod?

5: He's just been through a lot. We all have except baldy.

Donna: Fine I'll let you off.

5: There we are vortex energy reformed. Wish me luck.

River: I think you'd best stand back.

Donna: Why?

5: Off now. Nice meeting you.

5 suddenly flung his head back and nothing was visable of his hands and head a yellow energy flew out of them at a high speed causing gusts of wind to pass by Donna and River. Then the energy stopped and the War Doctor's face came to look at them again. Although he was still in an ancient cricket outfit. He pulled the celery off his lappel and flicked it to the floor.

War Doctor: Stupid vegetable. I will never remember why I wore it... BY CHOICE.

Just then the other three Doctors ran in. 9 ran to the console.

11: Welcome back Captain Grumpy

Donna: Told you.

9: Back to Rose. I've locked onto the co ordinates of the nearest vehiacle. Some sort of spaceship. I set this up earlier when you lot were arguing about name calling. Anyway. Onwards.

10: Alons-y!

11: Gero-

9, Donna, River: DON'T

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