Matthew and Penelope

Start from the beginning

Renesmee was more then excited that she now had two children like her to play with. She no longer felt alone and was happy to have her first two friends. Now she just wanted to go to the park because she had never been there before. She had read about parks in a book of hers and wondered when we would be able to go.

I on the other hand didn't like the idea of the children playing around with other human kids because they were atleast three times stronger then the average child. If something were to happen everything would fall apart.

"We have alot of land so why not make a park in the backyard?" I questioned more-so to Esme who was sitting beside Carlisle by the window.

"Oh thats a wonderful idea, then the kids could play outside." Esme exclaimed as she rose to her feet. "Alice!" She called as she headed out of the room.

Alice who was sitting on the floor in Jaspers lap jumped to her feet and zoomed out after Esme. Knowing Alice she was going to go all out on the playground. I imagined a four story jungle gym which brought me to laugh a bit.

This grabbed Edwards attention but I was quick to dismiss it since it was nothing. Rosalie, Edward, Emmett and I turned into the couch and fell into talk about what the future held when it came to the children.

Thirty minutes later the conversation morphed into what powers we thought the twins would have. Emmett was certain that Matthew would have his super strength and Rosalie was confident that Penelope would have her elegance and beauty. I knew she was right at that because I could see it, not only in Penelope but in Matthew as well.

Around noon time Edward and Emmett rose to their feet.

"Where are you going?" I asked them as they headed out of the room.

"Its lunch time and the kiddies need to eat." Emmett chuckled as he pulled Edward into a vice grip and ruffled his hair.

I gave my attention back to the children while Rosalie talked about stores she would like to go shopping at for the children. I found it fascinating how little Matty followed his sister around like he was her body guard.

Rosalie who saw this laughed to herself. "Matthew thinks its his duty to protect his sister. He never lets her out of her sight. Well, except one time when I took Penelope to give her a bath, he practically threw a fit until she was in his sight again."

I smiled as I thought about Renesmee and what it would have been like if we not only got her but our Edward Jacob as well. Would EJ be as protective to Renesmee as Matthew was to Penelope? Would he have my brown eyes or Edwards human green? Would he have my brown hair or Edwards bronze? Would he have my gentle features or Edwards masculine?

"Do you ever think about having another child?" Rosalie asked me.

Since vampires couldn't reproduce on their own I suspected that she was asking me whether or not I wanted to have another child at the expense of a random mortal. The idea seemed down right barbaric to me and I couldn't see myself taking advantage of a human like that.

"I don't think so." I said, choosing my words carefully to not offend her. "I just think Renesmee is enough for now."

I watched as Penelope rose to her feet and walked over to Rosalie. "Momma I want you to brush my hair." She said in a tiny voice as she climbed into her mothers lap. Just like before Matthew was at her side.

"Matty your sister is fine, go and play." Rosalie said before she rose to her feet and walked from the room.

Matty watched his mother walk out of the room with his sister. The moment they were out of sight Matthews expression on his face was that of pain. For several seconds he stayed rooted before he took a deep breath and walked over to where Renesmee was sitting and sat down beside her.

"What are you reading?" He asked her.

Renesmee held up the book so he could see the cover. "Its called the Diary of Anne Frank." She said simply as she turned the next page.

"What is it about?" Matthew asked as he moved closer to look at the words.

"It's a harrowing story of a young Jewish girl who, with her family and their friends is forced into hiding in an attic in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. Its really good." She explained. "Do you want me to read it to you?"

Matthew's face was illuminated by his bright smile. "Please." He responded.

I watched contently as Renesmee began reading the story from the beginning. A half a minute into the story Rosalie returned with a brush in one hand and her daughter in the other. While Rosalie brushed her daughters long shiny blonde hair we all listened as Renesmee read us the story of Anne Frank.

20 pages in the boys called the kids to lunch. Before I could raise to my feet the three tykes ran off to the kitchen. Rose and I quickly followed and took our seats in the dining room while they ate. Since the twins were eating human food Renesmee didn't object to it. That was a first since it normally took Edward and I half an hour to forty-five minutes to get her to take one bite.

When they were finished my ears were drawn to the noise outside. I walked over to the window that overlooked the backyard and saw a heap of equipment laying in the yard. Parked ten feet from it all was my truck, she used my truck.

I rushed outside and almost bumped into Alice who was coming my way. "Alice, remember the day I got the truck and laid down the rules."

"Bella, I know and I respect that but how on earth did you think we were going to get all this back here? Hire a moving truck?" she asked me with a smirk.

"Well that might have saved my truck alot of gas. Kick the habit, what is going on here?" I asked. "What all have you bought?"

"Jungle gyms, merry go rounds, a carosel, play houses." She paused for a slight second before her eyes widened comicly. "Oh and a kit to put up a stall and riding area for the pony that you and Edward were going to get Renesmee." she added before she skipped off into the house.

From where I stood I could hear her calling all the men to come and help set everything up. Emmett called dibs on the play houses which he said he wanted to put in the tree to make tree houses. After every one of us declined his motion he changed his mind and went to work with Jasper on the jungle gym.

Edward and I began putting together the area for Renesmee's pony -which we hadn't bought yet- while Rose and Esme worked on the play houses. This left Carlisle and Alice to whatever was left.

Two and a half hours later the backyard looked like a park. The second we let the children come outside they went straight to the jungle gym. Or atleast the twins did. Renesmee went straight to the play house that resembled a small mansion.

I knew that my daughter would have a claim on this particular item because she loved her own spaces. Especially when they mimicked spaces that I or her father had.

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