Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was my first day of school at Pine Grove High School. My mom had decided it was a great idea to get a divorce from her second husband in the middle of 10th grade.

I stood on the steps in front of the school, watching students go in and out of the front door. A gust of wind blew through the air and I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

My tan skirt blew around in the wind. I had been reading the same metal sign that sat atop the building for the past few minutes, deciding on weither or not I should go in. I had never worn a uniform to school ever, and I hadn't understood how much they suck. I was wearing a grey sweater with the school's crest on the right, and a black and green plaid skirt. The typical school uniform.

My mom and step dad constantly fought when they were married. They would throw things, break things, slam doors, and scream at each other. It was pretty scary, but why couldn't my mom wait 6 more months? She was with him for about 3 years, so what's 6 months? But no matter how pissed I was at my mom, I couldn't miss my first day.

I walked up the rest of the concrete steps and opened the wooden door that lead inside. The school smelled and looked old, at least 20 years. I looked up to find a sign that said main office.

"Hello Mrs.," I paused reading her nametag, "Mrs. Smith. I'm new here, my name is Kimberly Moore. I need my class list, and I was told I would get it today."

"Ahh yes, the new girl. Mr. Alexander Jones will show you around to your classes. It seems you have homeroom and lunch with him, as well as seventh period. The final bell rings at 7:55, and walking into class any later will not be accepted. Your locker is in the Sophmore Hallway, located up the stairs, and to your right. Your locker is D451 and the combination is on your class list." She handed me a packet of papers and pointed behind me. I spun around.

"Hello Ms. Moore." He said with a smile. What was up with all the Ms'. and Mr.'s?

"You must be Alexander." I said to him as I folded my arms. He had the typical 'i'm-in-over-my-head' look which was very popular with boys these days. We walked away from the office para.

"I perfer Alex." He put his arm on my shoulder. I shook it off.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked him.

He looked shocked, as if I had offended him. He probably thought I was just like every other girl, thinking he was cute. Well, newsflash! I didn't.

He looked away. " Oh look, here's your locker." They were blue, average, and plain. The hallway was pretty much dead, other than a few people grabbing last minute supplies from their locker. He smiled and opened the locker next to me.

"In case you were wondering, I'm not a sophomore. They put me in this section due to over crowding in the junior lockers."

"Ahh." I said turning away from him. "I'm a sophomore."

02-38-27. I spun the dial around a few times, and opened it. It wasn't too small inside. There was already some stuff in it, probably from the last person who had it. I took all of their stuff out and threw it on the floor.

"We have about three minutes until the final bell rings." He said grabbing some books. Art and Marketing. Smarty? He shut his locker and leaned against it.

I nodded, pulling out a few pens, my planner, and a notebook.

"So, where did you come from Newbie?"

I tucked my long, straight, blonde hair behind my ear. "That doesn't concern you." I slammed my locker and brushed past him. I just got here and I was already over his 8 am energy, he had way too much of it.

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