"You will be," Teigan nods to herself, knowing that he means what he says about being there for any children they might have. "You've never let me down when you've made a promise before and I know you don't plan to start doing so now."


Teigan sits on one of the foldout chairs scattered behind the camera, swinging her legs and fiddling with her ring as she waits. Sebastian told her that she should wait there and that he'll send the girls over when he finds them on the way to get himself ready. So, that's exactly what she's been doing, waiting for said girls.

"- Seb said she should be right around here." Teigan turns her head when she hears female voices getting closer to her, seeing Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen walking side by side towards the area she's sitting at.

She stands as they get closer, brushing down her outfit self-consciously, before waving to the pair. "I believe you're looking for me if Sebastian is the one that sent you this way."

Elizabeth briefly freezes as she recognises her, whereas Scarlett remains calm as she continues over and hugs the blonde. Teigan accepts the hug easily, glad that her slight awkwardness hasn't put them off.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Scarlett smiles as she pulls away from the hug. "I would introduce myself but I have a feeling you already know who we are."

Teigan smiles, nodding slightly. "Hello, it's amazing to meet you two in person, though.-"

Elizabeth cuts her off before she can continue or attempt to introduce herself. "Oh my God, you're Teigan Butler! I've wanted to meet you for ages."

Teigan lets out an awkward laugh, waving to herself. "Well, here I am."

Scarlett smiles, taking her hand and guiding her as the two actresses decide to move locations. "You don't have to be nervous, in fact, I think you just made our day. There are way less girls around here than guys so it's nice to see another girl, to try and even up the odds."

Teigan giggles, following them as they move closer to the actual set. They notice her curiosity and take a moment to show her around a little before moving just out of the way from where filming is about to go on. They leave her briefly when they're required to film, and in these moments Sebastian joins her unless he is needed as well.

"And who might you be?"

Teigan jumps, immediately turning away from where she had been watching Sebastian, Chris, Anthony, Scarlett and Elizabeth filming a take. She recognises the owner of the voice immediately, and by the look on his face, he recognises her too.

"Hi," She waves shyly, not exactly sure what to say. There's not really a handbook on how not to embarrass yourself in front of Robert Downey Jr, one of the most well known Marvel actors in this century, no matter how much Teigan wishes there was in this moment.

"It's a pleasure to meet you in person." He reaches out, shaking her hand.

She notices him briefly glance at her free hand, his eyebrow raising in question, but he reframes from commenting and instead starts up a polite conversation as he joins her in watching the others film their scene. As nice as he is, Teigan is silently thankful when the girls are finished and come over to drag her away for "girl time" back at the trailers.

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