Arc Reactor Part 2

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So it had been a pretty bad day.

In all honesty, this situation wasn't as bad as Afghanistan. It was still semi-bad but not full on bad. But Tony knew he would be able to escape hopefully without harm to himself or those he loved.

The kidnappers were pros. That much was clear. Despite the fact they were not wearing masks, they had managed to hide their faces from the security cameras in the tower and disguise their voices when speaking. Essentially throwing off anyone investigating the case. They also knew exactly what they were doing when they brought Tony to their lair. After the billionaire had stepped into the car, they had thrown a mask over his head and tied his hands together before hitting him hard on the head, causing him to lose consciousness. That meant Tony was unconscious for the trip to the secondary location and would be unable to find his way back to New York should he be able to escape.

Which brought on another problem and solution. The kidnappers wanted something from Tony but they hadn't told him what yet. Instead they had beaten the snot out of him until he was too weak to protest when they took out his arc reactor.

Tony tried not to panic. After all, he could survive for up to four hours without the arc reactor. But that also meant he only had four hours to be rescued and he didn't even know if anyone knew he had been kidnapped. In addition to that, his tracking chip had been disabled so whoever was looking for him would have to rely on other resources.

All in all, it wasn't looking good for the home team.
The first thing Peter did was access Tony's tracking chip. Which failed since it was disabled. After that, he sat down and had a mini freak out about possibly loosing the closest thing he had to a father figure. And then he stood up and found the security footage for Stark Towers.

Peter watched as Tony calmly walked out the door and ignored the protocols of signaling for help. The teenager thought for a second before retracing Tony's steps into a conference room. He turned on the sound,  but it looked like the villains had deleted the audio that went along with the video. Thankfully he was an awesome hacker and managed to solve that problem.

The footage began with Tony and two men in a conference room. One of the bad guys was considerably taller than the other and they bore resemblance to Harry and Marv from Home Alone.

"If you try to signal for help, we've got guys that can find Steve and Peter and anyone else you love and take 'em out like that"  bad guy #1 snapped his fingers to demonstrate his point.

Tony nodded, clearly worried for his family but trying to show courage.

Bad guy #2 grinned. "What are you waiting for then? A written invitation?"

The trio walked out the door with Tony flanked by his kidnappers. The billionaire began chatting as if they were business partners, easily fabricating a story about considering going into the hotel business. It really was genius how Tony managed to pull off his regular charm and charisma while actively being kidnapped.

The footage ended with the group stepping into a black Jeep. Peter was just able to make out the license plate number and quickly asked FRIDAY to find the owner and possibly trace its whereabouts. Being the super awesome AI she is, FRIDAY also sent the plate number to multiple news and police stations across a tri-City area.

After that, Peter hacked into the surveillance cameras stationed across the city to trace the car's path. It worked until they turned onto a dark street and left NYC. Since there were no cameras located outside of city limits, Peter had to find a new way to find his dad/mentor/billionaire.

Being an avid watcher of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Peter knew he would have to travel to the last known location of the car to search for clues. Which is exactly what he did. He swung across New York in full Spider-man suit, totally not humming the theme song from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Ok, he totally did.

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