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"AAH!" Screamed Doc Greene as he tried to gain control of his vehicle. The tires screeched as he ran into multiple sighs and mail boxes. "Can I call you back?" Doc said to the other line." T-this really isn't a good time."

"I can see that,Doc." Chief Burns said as he and Chase sped after him.

"My solar car's out of control! Darn thing won't shut off!" He said as he slammed his foot on the brakes in vain. "The accelerator is stuck. The steering system seems to have a mind of its own." The chase continued all over town, with no sign of stopping. "And I'm getting a little car sick. Aah!"

"All right, team. You heard the Doc. Let's do what we do." Chief said over the com.

"The vehicle has turned south onto March Lane." Chase said

"Hey, how about we drop down and bounce on his roof to slow him down?" Dani asked as she and Cody hovered above.

"Helping out is good. Dropping's okay. Bouncing I'd like to discuss a little further." Blades replied to her suggestion.

"Dani, you two just keep an eye in things from up there." Cheif said

Dani just sighed. "Doc's now on waverly." Cody said as he looked through his binoculars. "Headed right for some parked cars."

"Roger that. I'm on it." Kade said as they sped towards the location.

"I think you mean 'we're on it', don't you?" Heatwave corrected him.

"Just get us there, Heatwave." Kade said back.

Mari was getting annoyed. He hadn't changed at all, even with all that they had been through so far. "Get it right, Kade. It's not just you doing the rescue." Kade just rolled his eyes and Mari had to restrain herself from punching him.

"Aaaahhh!" Doc yelled as he neared the parked cars, just as Heatwave drove up. He transformed and used his ladder as a ramp for the car to jump and miss the parked cars.

"Doc's back on Main Street." Cody sighed from above.

"You know, if I were a ground unit," Blades chimed in. "I'd try to pop Doc's tires."

"Good idea, Blades." Dani said. "Guys, I'll go back to the station and get a spike strip, then we can--" 

"No need, Dani." Graham cut her off. "Boulder and I can improvise." They cut through a muddy area, across from a hardware store. "What do you think? Feasible?" Graham asked and showed Boulder a diagram on his tablet.

"A thing of beauty." Boulder replied. He picked up the cover of a manhole and used it as a frisbee. He knocked the sign off its henges, knocking over a roll of barbed wire, just a Doc passed by. For a moment, it seemed like it worked, until the tires reinstalled.

"Well, at least I know the automated tire replacement works," Doc said. "Aahh!" He yelled at he crashed through some rocks. Dani and Cody kept up with him from above.

"Oh, no." Cody gasped. "Doc's on Old Canyon Road."

"Blades, can you stop Doc's car if we land in front of it?" Dani asked.

"Beats dropping and bouncing."

"No, Dani. Stay in the air." Chief said over the comms. "Chase and I are closing in." As they got closer, Chase transformed and grabbed the back of the car, making it look like he was skiing behind it. Thankfully, they stopped right before they went onto the bridge. Chase pulled the car to safety and looked down at his smoking peds. Chief got out to talk to Doc.

"It's all right, Doc." He said. "You can, uh, let go of the wheel now."

Doc pulled his hands away from the wheel showing dents from his grip. He gave a sigh of relief.

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