Family of Heroes

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Okay, since I'm lazy, I didn't write the parts where the bots arrive, get their vehicle modes and meet the chief, so I'm not gonna use their names until they meet Cody.

It was new day on the island of Griffin Rock. Cody was currently on his way to school when he heard a voice call him.

"Cody Burns. Griffin Rock PD, please pull over." Chief Burns joked as he pulled up next to Cody. In the passenger and back seat sat his four older siblings, Kade, Graham, Dani, and Mari. Mari gave him a small wave when he saw her. He smiled back before turning to his dad.

"Figured you'd want to say goodbye to the old rust bucket," Chief said as he motioned to the old cop car. "It's her last day on the job."

Cody sighed. "I still don't understand why the city's making you get a new car, dad. This one works fine."

"Progress, kiddo. Town wouldn't be a high-tech testing ground if we stayed bad."

"Give it up, Dad," Kade butted in. "If Cody had his way, we'd all be pedaling everywhere."

"Of course, you'd still be on training wheels, Kade." Dani teased

"Even then he would still need someone to hold him so he won't fall." Mari added

"Ooh, nice one sis." Dani fist bumped her.

"And the helmet might mess up your hair." Graham laughed as he ruffled Kades hair.

"Quit it, Graham." Kade growled and tried to fix the mess on his head.

Cheif turned back to Cody. "Don't forget to be at the dedication this afternoon."

"Think I could test-drive the..." Cody started before Dani cut him off.

"Cody. We're getting rescue vehicles, not go-karts."

"Sorry, pal. For authorized emergency responders only." Graham said using his badge for emphasis.

"So basically, everyone in the family but me." Cody said sadly as he looked down. Mari felt bad, she didn't like seeing him upset.

"I have to drop these troublemakers off and catch a chopper to the mainland. Get your bottom to school," Chief said and put a hand on his shoulder. "And, Cody, give it time. You'll find your place." 

Mari leaned over the seat so he could see her. "How about I give you a ride later, just you and me?" She asked

Cody smiled at his big sister. "Really, sure!" Kade was about to protest but Mari glared at him to keep him quiet. "See ya later, little bro!" and they took off.

Timeskip cuz I'm not sure where they went

Later that afternoon, Chief stood on stage in the town square. The Burns siblings all waiting for their new vehicles.  Cody arrived and locked his bike into place. He then heard his best friend call him.

"Cody, come here!" Frankie called.

Cody made his way through the crowed toward Frankie and her dad, Doctor Greene. "Hey, Doc. Frankie."

"Isn't this exciting?" Frankie asked as she held a brochure in her hand. "The tech's like nothing I've ever seen." Cody looked at her confused before turning his attention to his dad on the stage.

"Um, thank you for coming, folks." Chief Burns started.

"I'm not talking about the rescue stuff," Frankie whispered. "I'm talking about this. The new exhibit at the museum. 'Cyberwire saurian structures infused with cretaceous DNA'!" She exclaimed as she read from the pamphlet.

"Our town as a long history of being on the cutting edge of new technology," Chief continued. "Now, thanks to our friends in Washington, I give you the latest in emergency response...The Rescue Bots." The platform opened up to reveal four shining new emergency vehicles. The crowd cheered when they saw them.

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