PART 16.

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I wait until my body feels completely different, I'm now in my Frost Giant form but I don't want to open my eyes and see the disappointment on Lucinda's face. We'd been getting along so well, she'd been treating me like a friend, but I don’t want her to see this. Even though she hasn't run yet I'm scared that she will, I swallow my nerves but keep my eyes closed "Am I scaring you, Lucinda?" "Do I look scared?" "I don't know. I'm not looking." She giggles "Neither am I."

Why isn't she looking? She wanted me to change so she could see me.

Thor speaks, gently and quietly, much unlike himself "You should both open your eyes on the count of three. One... Two... Three." I slowly open my eyes and I'm shocked at what I see, looking up at me is a short person with blue skin, red eyes and very short very dark brown hair "Lucinda...?" She smiles, a genuine smile which seems to be very rare from her "When I get angry, really angry, I turn blue and freeze everyone in sight. I never understood why I became blue, the HYDRA scientists thought it was something to do with my ice powers, they thought maybe... I wasn't human."

Oh Odin, he must've seen her in this form as a baby, that's why he lied to me.

Thor and I are sitting either side of Odin, for once we aren't arguing, just listening "She's coming, my life was all that held her back. But my time has come, I can not keep her away any longer." Thor asks "Father, who are you talking about?" "Goddess of death, Hela. My firstborn, your sister." "Your what?"

Why have we never heard of this 'Goddess of death'?

"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her, locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless." Thor nods "Whatever she is, we can stop her together. We can face her together." I nod in agreement, but Odin shakes his head "No, we won't. I'm on a different path now, this you must face alone. I love you my sons."

Sons? As in me included!? He actually thinks of me that way after all this?

He then turns to me and looks me in the eye "Loki, I have done something I don't expect you to forgive, I have taken something important from you. Happiness. I knew what you were and I didn't want to have another around, I didn't want to risk it." I narrow my eyes "What are you talking about?" "When your lady died during childbirth..."

Amelio... I can still picture her long golden hair and her beautiful dark brown eyes...

"Your child didn't." I blink “Beg your pardon?" "Your child survived. I sent him or her, I do not know which, away." I feel anger boiling inside of me "I asked for the child to be sent somewhere you would never find." "Where!?" "I truly am sorry, my son, but I do not know where. Remember this place. Home." Then he disperses into golden light and flies away.

"Lucinda, I'm your father." She tightly wraps her arms around me, I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I hold her tightly. My brother smiles brightly and squeezes my shoulder, I hear a noise but don't pay it any mind, that is until Stark swears. Lucinda and I let go of each other, both looking to the doorway where all of the Avengers are standing, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, Lucinda and I both turn into our human forms. I smile down at her and she pulls me into another hug, I look in the direction of the Avengers and see various expressions on their faces, Thor walks over to them to explain.

I place my hands on Lucinda's shoulders and look down at her "This is more than I deserve." "Then we'll take it slow, we're already best friends, right?" I nod "So we can make this work." She looks to the Avengers, I follow her gaze as Barnes walks over "So he's..." "My dad, yeah, it's surprise to us too." He nods "I'll, uh, keep out of the way." She shakes her head and holds out a hand to him, he takes it "You'll both by my dads, in different ways."

For her, anything.

I hold out a hand to him, he smiles a little and shakes it.


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