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We continue fighting together, she occasionally shouts duck and I immediately lower myself to the floor after the first time when I didn't and the back of my suit froze. My day is made so much better when Spangles and Metallica run round the corner and face-plant the ice, I burst out laughing as they struggle to get up "Shut up." I look to Elsa who spoke, I try to stop laughing "Seriously, shut up." She runs across the ice and tackles me to the ground, laying on top of me she plants a hand over my mouth.

If she didn't want me to laugh she should've told the oldies off, not me.

Spangles goes to say something but Elsa puts a finger in the air, since everything is silent I just wait and listen. Well, I thought everything was silent, but now I hear a very quiet beeping, I look up at Elsa. From here I can see her face, not clearly, but I can make out her dark eyes and young features, Metallica speaks "Beeping... This place is gonna blow." Elsa quickly climbs off of me and I use my suit to get myself off the ice, we hurry to the end of the corridor, Elsa somehow keeping up with me. When we get to the end she grabs both oldies and drags them off the ice by their ankles.

I love this woman!

I hear Spangles shouting through his earpiece to the others "Everyone get out, we think the place is rigged to blow! Take the nearest route to the tunnels and run!" We run to the nearest tunnel which is the one through the security room.

As we're running I hear a gunshot and a scream of pain from behind me, I look round to see Lucinda laying on her front on the ground "Lucinda!" I run to her and spot an Agent on his knees close by, an ice spike through his chest, a gun on the floor below his hand. I pull Lucinda up, there's blood on the floor beneath her, I pick her up and run after the others with her in my arms "Stay with me, darling." Her head is leaning forward onto my chest, her hood still covering her face, her hands are over her torso where she was shot.

She has to survive this! She has to!

We're maybe halfway down the tunnel when there's a series of loud explosions, the tunnel shakes but we keep moving as fast as we can, the tunnel starts collapsing, chunks of the ceiling falling down around us, but we're fast. When we get to the ladder I have no choice but to put Lucinda over my shoulder, causing a yell of pain, so I can get her up the ladder. As soon as we're out I carefully position her back in my arms, I see the other Avengers already running in the direction of the quinjet.

Hold on just a little longer, Lucinda, you've got this.

When we finally arrive at the quinjet Steve speaks "Everyone out of the way!" The others part, all looking curiously at Lucinda, Banner already has his medical kid ready and is kneeling, I lay her down across the seats in front of him. As her head falls backwards and her body touches the seats her hood falls backwards, revealing her head, Bruce starts undoing her cloak to get to her wound and Stark speaks "She's just a kid, a little kid. Look at her, she's even cute." Lucinda growls and glares at him "You're lucky I can't hurt you right now, Iron Man, if I could I'd punch you in your perfect teeth for that!" He raises his hands in surrender "Maybe cute was the wrong word." I take a better look at Lucinda, her skin is pale, her eyes are still dark brown, but her hair is really short and really dark brown. When memories come back to me there's never any indication of a date apart from people's faces, but being in the ice for long amounts of time makes it hard to make a timeline. The last memory I have of Lucinda she was still a child, she doesn't look as young now, but still young.

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