Art Park

46 0 16

It's been a busy few weeks and I mean really busy. Aspen is finally no longer in my house and neither is that dreaded pitbull which is a relief. But I've been literally working around the clock, a new resident has found settling into Acorn House difficult which has led to many meltdowns so I'm always sorting him out. My co-worker Rod Flanders has been really sick so I've had to cover his hours. Our new resident is allergic to nuts, is lactose intolerant and is an extremely fussy eater - all he wants to eat is Spaghetti O's. This has made meal times difficult. Ralph Wiggum has been trying to flirt with me even though I've told him it's not aproperiate for him to do that with a member of staff. He is just desperate for a girlfriend and every time I lecture him he just bursts into tears. Yeah it's all being going on basically! Still I love Acorn House , it's a big house with a big heart but at the moment it's making me wanna tear my hair out.

Finally I get a night off and Bart decides to call.

"Hey Molly, do you fancy going out tonight?"

"Why sure , that would be lovely"

Bart and I haven't seen each other since the first date. I've been told by many you should take things slowly when you like a guy.

This date will be a night time date so it will be dark and slightly chilly. I decide to wear my grey wrap coat on top of my black turtleneck sweater, dark blue skinny jeans and black mid heel boots. I place pearl earrings in my eyes, yeah I know pearls might seem a bit elegant for a casual second date but the sheer whiteness of them really stands out against the darkness of my outfit. On my lips I apply coral pink lipstick and nude eyeshadow over my eyelids.

I drive to this park by Springfield Art College - where Dad once taught, but this time to meet Bart. Bart is wearing light blue jeans, white Nike's, and a black turtleneck under his navy puffy jacket. A diamond like stud sits in his ear and a black beanie hat covers his head.

"Hey Molly your looking beautiful"

"Why thank you, your looking handsome yourself"

Bart blushes and smiles.

"Couldn't have picked a chillier night" he laughs.

"Well that's Springfield weather for you. It may be the Spring but it's still freezing when the sun goes down" I smile.

"So what we're about to see is basically a series of sculptures by a local artist named Carson Muller. His installations are a series of electrical neon light sculptures inspired by the animal world that glow in the dark"

"That actually sounds really cool"

"Oh yeah, my sister and her fiancée came here the other weekend. They said it was amazing"

Bart goes on to tell me he has a 22 year old sister, another who is 15 and two happily married parents plus a very elderly greyhound named Santa's Little Helper. I tell him how my wonderful father raised me but died of dementia at the age of 81 when I was 21. He was 60 when he had me while my mom was 50. My father was from an upper class Canadian family . His father (my grandfather) had some connection to colonial Canada, my great grandfather was a colonial officer in Canada originally from Scotland. Whilst my grandmother was the daughter of a Maple syrup factory owner who had English and Irish heritage but her mother (my great grandmother) was an Inuit. My mother Sofia (which is my middle name) was a Turkish woman who had been trapped in a loveless marriage since the age of 18. She was from a poor rural Muslim family who literally had no money. Sofia's father was a poor farmer who wanted her to marry the son of the wealthiest farmer in town even though that wealthiest farmer was probably not wealthy by modern day American standards. Sofia and her husband never had any children , he was apparently a horrible horrible man. When he died of a heart attack when they were both in their late 40s. My mom decided to leave her little village and travel. One of the first places she wanted to go to was America. Somehow she ended up in Springfield where she met my dad in a diner one day. Apparently it was love at first sight so mom stayed in Springfield. Neither of them were that religious so they married in the city hall. At the time of their marriage mom was pregnant with me something she never ever expected to happen. She'd always thought she was infertile because every time her and her first husband tried for a baby they unsuccessful. Perhaps Mum was just unlucky when she was younger or perhaps it was her first husband, I'll never know. What I know is that the pregnancy took a toll on Mum's maturing body. Dad has told me all about her and even showed me photographs . My mom looked very much like me but with naturally blue hair instead of fiery red.

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