The Lying Detective Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Nobody." Mycroft said. "I misspoke."

"You're lying."

"I assure you, I am not."

"Sherlock's not your only brother." John said. "There's another one, isn't there?"

"No." Mycroft said.

John laughed. "Jesus. A secret brother. What, is he locked up in a tower or something?"

"Mycroft Holmes." Mrs. Hudson came upstairs with Blue following hesitantly. "What are all these dreadful people doing in my house?"

"Mrs. Hudson, I apologize for the interruption." Mycroft said. "As you know, my brother has embarked in a program of self-destruction, remarkable even by his standards, and I am endeavoring to find out what triggered it."

"And that's what you're all looking for?"

"Quite so."

"What's on his mind." Mrs. Hudson asked.

"So to speak." Mycroft confirmed.

"And you've had all this time?" She asked.

"Time being something of which we don't have an infinite supply." Mycroft said shortly. "So if we could be about our business."

Mrs. Hudson began to giggle. "You're so funny, you are!"

"Mrs. Hudson?" Mycroft scrunched up his nose.

She gestured to John. " He thinks you're clever. Poor old Sherlock. Always going on about you. I mean he knows you're an idiot, but that's okay, 'cause you're a lovely doctor." She said to John before turning back to Mycroft. "But he has no idea what an idiot you are!"

"Is this merely stream of consciousness abuse, or are you attempting to make a point?" Mycroft asked.

"Honestly, you're all so much thicker without Evelyn around. The lack of brain power is ridiculous." Mrs. Hudson said. "You want to know what's bothering Sherlock? Easiest thing in the world."

"I know his thought processes better than any other human being, so please try to understand."

Mrs. Hudson laughed. "He's not about thinking! Not Sherlock."

"Of course he is." Mycroft scoffed.

"No, he's more emotional, isn't he?" Mrs. Hudson said. "Unsolved case, shoot the wall. Unmade breakfast, karate chop the fridge. Can't say how he feels, so he shows it. What does he do with anything he can't answer, John? Every time."

"He stabs it." John moved towards the mantle.

"Anything he can't find the answer for, bang! It's up there. Eve always tells him that if he were any good as a detective, I wouldn't need a new mantle. Makes him smile, it does." Mrs. Hudson said.

John pulled the knife out of the envelope on the mantle. Beneath it lay a photograph of Evelyn.

He reached into the envelope and revealed the DVD labeled 'Miss Me?' John looked up sharply at Mycroft.

"If you're watching this, I'm probably dead." Mary said on the screen.

"Okay, no, stop that now, please." John said.

"Everybody out now." Mrs. Hudson ordered. "All of you! This is my house, this is my friend, and that's his departed wife. Anyone who stays a minute longer is admitting to me they do not have a single spark of human decency."

The agents shuffled out the door. Mycroft gathered his umbrella and followed them. John continued the video.

"I'm giving you a case, Sherlock. Might be the hardest case of your career. When I'm gone, if I'm gone, I need you to do something for me. Save John Watson. Save him, Sherlock."

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