Ch. 2

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Kaylyn's p.o.v.

After the class ended Emily and I came out of the class and began to walk to our lockers. Then Emily said "Kaylyn. What did you think about the party on friday."

"Em, you know I'm not a person who likes to party. And you said I have time to think. Even though my answer would be the same. I mean why do you think you're the only one I have to talk to?" I asked her with the usual quite tone of my voice.

"Because you don't try." A desperate look remained on her face while she said that. 

Then it hit me. I really don't try at all. Ever since my depression started I stopped talking to people. The only poeple I talk to now is my aunt and Emily.

"Emily, I-I'll really think about it." I assured her.

We said bye to each other and I headed to the next class.

After school ended

I came out of my last class which was English and just because English is one of my few liked subjects it wasn't that boring.

After keeping my book in the locker I searched for Emily.
And when I didn't find her I just headed to the parking area.

When i reached to my car I saw Emily talking to a guy. He had slightly long dirty blonde hair, grey eyes locked with Emily's. I think his name is Derek or  maybe something with a D. 

Her eyes landed on me and she yelled. "Hey Kaylyn, come over here. " The guy looked at me with a small kind smile on his face which i don't get much in this school. 

"Meet Deren he's on the history class with me. " Emily introduced me to the guy.

"Hi, you're Kaylyn right?" He asked me moving his hand forward for a hand shake.

"Yup that's me." I said returing his hand shake. He looked at me like he's trying to remember something.

"Wait.... i remember you. Oh right! You're aunt's  my mum's best friend." He said.

"Yeah maybe. I don't recall that much. " i said truthfully.

"Maybe because my mum and your aunt don't talk much anymore. Anyways nice talking to you ladies." He said waving at us and walking to to his car. 

Emily turned to me and looked at the ground blushing. Damn, this girl's a bit shy i didn't know that.

"Since when you're the shy one?" I asked her with a smirk on my face.

"Oh shut it. Everyone has a shy side. And I'm not like blushing or anything." She said slightly hitting me with her hand.

"Well you are blushing,Ems" i said.

"You're seeing things." She said while blushing again.

We headed to my car and i hopped on the driver's seat
while she climbed on the back seat to get comfortable there
We drived throuht the town. I live in the next town so it's quite a long drive for me but Emily's house is only ten minutes away from our school. That means I'm alone for 50 minutes.

I reached to Emily's house and turned to the back to see Em sleeping. Not very gracefully i might add.

"Em wake up we're here" i tried to wake her but she didn't respond. I tried that several times but she's yet to wake up. 

"Guess i have to do something." I said to myself and got out of the car. I knocked at their door. Her mom opened the door.

"Hey mrs.Wigenson. I'm kaylyn. I'm your daughter's friend."

"Oh you're Kaylyn. Nice to meet you dear. Where's Emily?"
She asked me. 

"She's sleeping in my car. I tried waking her but she isn't."i said pointing to the car that was parked not so far away. 

"That girl's a kid when it comes to sleeping. But nothing i can't handle."  She said walking to my car.

"Emily Cristina Wigenson! Wake-up you sleepy head. Come on!" She yelled at her daughter. And just like a miracle Emily woke up like someone said there's fire or something. She was right nothing she can't handle.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" She asked with a very confused face. This girl really is a kid when it comes to sleeping.

I mean who cames to her own house and asks her mother why she's here. Well she doesn't know she at her house so that makes sense why she's asking.

"You silly bug, you're in front of your own house. Get up and release this poor girl. She might have to go home."her mother said to her. 

"No rush take yoir time." I said politely.

Emily got up and came out of the car clumsily because she was still sleepy.

"Thanks Kays. I'll see you tomorrow." Emily said.

"Bye Em. Bye Wingenson." I said.

"Oh dear do you want to come in and have dinner with us?
I'm planning on cookig spaghetti! It's Emily's favourite." Her mother asked. 

"No it's already getting dark and i have to drive for an hour to get home." I explained.

"Oh that's a very long drive! I hope reach safely at home. Or do you want me to ask Tom to drive you home?" She kindly asked. 

"Oh don't bother. I'm used to it. See you tomorrow Em. Have a nice night mrs. Wigenson." I said and headed to my car.

It really is a long drive. But i don't mind being alone. I like to be alone honestly. That's why I go there.


Soo... it's 925 words long! Not bad for a beginner. I hope some people notice my book. I'm writing it to get over my depression. And this book shows how i want my life to be. So it'll mean alot to me if you recommend it to anyone.

Enjoy your life!
xx baelee xx

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