Chapter 16

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After Kias had asked Sam to go away Sam, had gone downstairs. Seba had been down there reading, though, and the curious glances he’d kept sending Sam had only stirred Sam up more until finally Sam had left to get his and Kias’ new clothes.


That had been the plan for the afternoon anyway, so Sam had figured he may as well just do it. Perhaps Kias would forgive him if he came offering new pants. He'd had two new pairs made for Kias, and from the looks of them Sam was pretty sure they'd fit Kias well. He suspected that in doing so they likely wouldn't make Kias' ass look quite so spectacular, unfortunately. Oh well. Lately he'd been seeing an awful lot of Kias' ass sans pants, and that was a hell of a lot better.


Sam lingered outside the door to their room for a few moments, awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He'd only been gone for about twenty minutes. Was that long enough for Kias to have settled down and be ready for his company again?


Sam tapped quietly on the door. "Kias?"


"Yes?" a voice responded from within the room. Sam's brow wrinkled in confusion. It wasn't Kias' voice, but the word had been in Kias' language. Sam opened the door.


On the bed Kias and Seba sat side by side. Kias looked angry and Seba looked like he was trying not to look angry. Seba had one hand around Kias' arm, squeezing reassuringly.


"He was scared," Seba said flatly, speaking again in Kias' language, and Sam wanted to tell him to stop it because it was creepy. Sam had taught him all those words, yes, but hearing him put them together in working sentences was somewhat unsettling. He'd only taught Seba to humour him and earn his support.


"I know," Sam said, speaking in a language more familiar to Seba. Sam switched back to address Kias. "Are you feeling better now?"


The look Kias gave him was of pure resentment. "Where did you go?"


Sam got the feeling he was about to get chewed out no matter what his answer was. He held up the paper wrapped package of clothing. "To pick up our clothes."


"You left me alone!" Kias shouted, his hands fisting in the blanket he sat on. Seba was glancing back and forth between them as the conversation progressed, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to follow what was being said. Sam ignored him.


"To be fair, you did tell me to," Sam said, though he was beginning to realise just how badly he'd messed up.


Kias stretched over the bed, grabbed a pillow, and threw it at Sam's head. "I didn't know where you were!"


Sam let the cushion hit him in the shoulder without blocking it. Seba looked outright alarmed. He was stroking Kias' shoulder, trying to get him to calm down, failing to realise it was Kias' wrath that was more dangerous than however Sam might choose to respond to it.


"I wasn't thinking," Sam said, keeping his voice calm. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

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