We haven't been kissing long when he pulls away, still holding my head, looking me in the eyes and says, "I'll tell you what happened with my family and I.  The flower as well, my Ezra." He said with a smile, and a glimmer in his eyes.

I look back into his eyes, smiling as well with a tear running down my cheek. I'm so happy again, feeling once again like I did 6 months ago. I've been longing to hear his voice again since we had parted ways. I thought that I was never going to even get a second chance to see him, let alone hear him, but I am now and I'm never going to let him slip away from me. I'm just going to sit by his side, hold his hands, look into his eyes and continue to listen to him tell me about what had happened to him and his family.

It was like a dream.

We were driving away from the gazebo as fast as we could. We couldn't look back. If we did, we would die. My mom was driving, and my dad was trying to keep everyone calm, playing his flute. It did relax us, like it always does.

After a while of driving, I got as comfortable as I could just leaning against the window, looking out beyond the dark plains. Creston and Crestine fell asleep, by the sound of my fathers music. It would have put me to sleep also, if I didn't have so much on my mind.

I normally would of ran off with questions to my father, but at a time like this, I knew being calm would help everyone out more.

After what seemed like forever, I spoke and asked my mom, "How long have we been driving?"

"About an hour", she said, still looking at the road ahead while she is driving.

"We have to turn back mom." I say with concern and sadness. "This doesn't feel right. We can't leave Ezra and her family alone like this. They need us, and we need them."

She starts breathing a little more heavily, and looks over at my dad. He hears me as well, and stops playing.

He leaned over the side of his chair and looked back at me and said seriously, "You are right son. We should head back for them. I just wanted to see how long it took you to say it. We are, after all, nothing without the families around us." He smiled, and gave me a nudge on the arm.

My mom turned the vehicle around, and we headed back south to the great plains.  The great dark plains is more like it.  We couldn't head back the same way we came, so we took the first dirt road we found. We just kept driving to see if there were any live lands anywhere, but there wasn't.

A voice came to me all of the sudden, "keep off the roads", it said.  I told my mom and she turned the steering while, drove right off the dirt road.  Not that it mattered that she almost crashed our vehicle into the ditch that lined the dirt roads.  I looked back at Crestine and Creston, they were still sound asleep.  How they were still asleep through that, was beyond me. 

It's a good thing she wasn't going really slow, otherwise we would have gone into that ditch. My dad was laughing.  He loved that my mother wasn't a woman to mess around with. When your life is on the line, or danger is close by, she doesn't mess around. 

"Mi lady ", my dad says "I know we need to stay as safe as possible.  Let's not end up with our heads in the ground."

My mom laughed. " Ok dear, I'll be more safe.For you, myself, and the children."  She blew a kiss too him, and he caught it.  

"I'm not usually this wreckless", she says, trying not to show what little tension she still had from when we were driving off in a hurry from the gazebo.  My dad leaned his hand, and stroked my moms arm, calming her.

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