I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. Fine, I decide, I’ll play along until my curiosity is sated then I’m out of here.

“Secondly,” He begins with a slight smirk, “You seemed okay with my horns so I’m confident you may be okay with this. Lila? She’s my twin sister and as such she has some gifts like mine.”

“Like the horns?” I ask though his hand muffles it.

He nods, “Yeah like the horns but instead of horns Lila got something different but just as eye catching, she was given wings. Our father, the bastard, ripped them off and it nearly killed her. An angel, a friend of hers, said that he couldn’t fix it but I think, someone above the laws of heaven and hell, like a necromancer, can bring them back for her.”

I reach up and push his hand off my face and he lets me, “A necromancer like me.”

He nods again though it wasn’t a question and swallows thickly, “I didn’t know you were one when I met you though. I didn’t know until I saw the vision book on your bed. I need you to know it doesn’t change anything for me. I like you and I do want to see where this can go but I also figured you could help me with my sister. She needs this Tully, losing something like your wings…it’s like losing a part of yourself.”

I shift on my feet a bit, “Would it be like that if you lost your horns?”

“Yeah, its important. Like losing a limb.”

I remove my stocking cap and run a shaky hand through my hair, “And you think I can help her?”

“I know you can, Tully. I have total faith in you.”

“And if I can’t? Her boyfriend didn’t seem to keen on me failing.”

Gideon sneers a bit at the mention of Orin, “I’ll handle his undead ass myself.”


Gideon nods with a smirk, “Yeah, Orin is a vampire, nasty bloodsucker.”

“A v-vampire?”

“Yup. What? Did you think demons, ghosts and shades were the only freaky things in this world?”

I blink, “Well no but its just weird to hear it out loud. I kind of feel like I’m in some bad teen novel or something.”

“Nah, no author could duplicate the sexiness you see before you.”

I smack Gideon’s hard chest and roll my eyes, “Your so full of yourself.”

He looks down at his chest, “Was that supposed to hurt?”

“No but it makes me feel like you’ve gotten the message that I’m put out with you.”

“Put out?” He repeats with a quirked brow, “What are you? Jane Austen?”

I stand a bit straighter and say primly, “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.” 

Gideon leans over me and drops his head onto the back of the door, “Oh dear Allah, please don’t tell me you listen to Beethoven while smoking joints too or something equally pretentious.”

“Verily.” I quip as I lie through my teeth.

I actually haven’t smoked weed since I was eighteen and it was while I was at a club downtown where the music was industrial. Not that I’ll admit that to the dejected looking Gideon whose pained face in this situation is extremely amusing. I mean who would have thought quoting Jane Austen could be so rewarding.

“So are we doing this or not?” I ask after a minute of enjoying his sulking.

His eyes widen as he stares at me, “Seriously?”

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