Chapter 3 who's this?

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Amu walked into her room, dragging her feet on the floor. She kept mumbling bad words to herself as she tumbled beside her bedside.

"Fucking Tadase!" she mumbled once more before she rolled herself up to her bed.

Her pinked haired chara flew up towards her with a stern face.

"Amu, cursing is not appropriate !! " she yelled and threw a pompom at Amu.

She groaned, "Tadase is irritating"

Amu sat up and got ready to unleashed her feelings onto her shugo charas.

"Tadase has the nerve to shove Utau's concert tickets in Zero's face! Zero said he had something to do but he obviously just made it up so I wouldn't feel bad about him not going!" Amu ran her fingers through her pastel pink locks and groaned once more.

"Are you still going to the concert?" Implied Miki, Amu groaned but later nodded. "I have too, she's my friend and I haven't seen her in a long time" Amu admitted.

"What if Zero really did have something to do?~desu" Su questioned with her small finger on her little chin.

"What if he's mad about the whole Ikuto thing?" Ran asked silently, and Amu's face fell.

"Oh my god, I have to call him" Amu squirmed out of her bed into the floor landing in a thud.

She reached for her phone but stopped and put her arm down.

She hid her eyes with her pastel pink bangs and sighed.

"I can't call him. This needs to be a face to face thing, so I'll just go see him tomorrow"

"Mature amu~desu" Su explained with a cheery tone.

Amu smiled but it fell once she thought about what exactly she going to say.

She shrugged it off and stood up, she grabbed a random towel off her floor and walked to her bathroom.

Meanwhile Zero was thinking other things, Zero was walking home and started to overthink this situation. Obviously Amu wasn't over one of her old ex's.

But the thing was he wasn't either, he had a thing for he's best friend Yuki. They've kissed, and done things that couples do but they weren't a couple.

He questioned why he was with Amu, to get over his past? Does he really have feelings for her?

He shook those thoughts away as he checked his phone for the time. He grinned at he's background, it was Amu kissings he's cheek as he made an annoyed face.

Zero did like her, she was different, silly, confident, and had many different sides to her.

Zero made it back to his house and sighed. He hates being home, his twin brother is always out drinking and never home. It was irritating. Zero stepped inside and swapped he's outdoor shoes for he's indoor shoes. He tossed his bag on the cold hard floor sending echos into the hallway. Zero flicked the light on to his surprise he's brother was on the couch knocked out. He was surrounded by beer bottles and unlit cigarettes.

Zero grunted, he walked towards the big mess and started to pick up the beer bottles. He throws them all in the trash as he combed a hand through his silver locks.

Amu always wants to come over but he was ashamed of his brother so he said that he's parents were really strict about that sort of thing. The thing was that his parents weren't even alive.

Zero trotted to his room, he opened the door and collapsed on his bed. Exhaustion took over his body and fell into a deep sleep.

the next morning.

Amu ran out of her house, saying goodbye to her parents on the way out. Her charas struggled to keep up with her, Amu bumped into Zero and her charas into her. "Ow!" Amu mumbled Zero let out a chuckle and kissed her the top of her head. "Good Morning," Zero said in a raspy tone, sending chills down Amu's back. But before she could get distracted she took a step back and faced Zero.

"Zero about yesterday" "- Amu it's fine"

Amu's mouth was left gaping as Zero interrupt her.

" No Zero it's not, about Ikuto..." Amu looked down as her bangs covered her eyes. "I had something with him in the past but" "- but it's over I get it". Zero was so blunt and it seemed like he was just brushing the problem away.

Zero swung his bag over his shoulder and started to walk away. Amu stood still trying to figure out how to reconcile with him. Zero turned around and gave Amu an

are-you-coming-?- look.

"So you're not going to hear me out? At all?" Amu spoke defensively.

Zero sighed, "I told you it was fine, come on let's go." Amu raised an eyebrow at him, she closed her eyes trying to remain calm. She walked to where he was and he continued to walk forward.

Amu was beyond mad, Her charas looked at her with sorry eyes. Ran tried to do handstands and backbends in order to cheer her up. Su made silly faces and Miki made silly drawings. Dia patted Amu's left cheek with compassion. Amu smiled at their attempt but she was still angry with Zero.

Amu went to give Zero a kiss but he turned and Amu ended up kissing his cheek. Amu stepped back, she could take a hint. Zero looked everywhere but at her. Amu just scoffed and walked away letting her anger simmer.
Zero sighed he didn't want to seem like he was mad but he was. Zero walked to his class earlier then he usually does.

The commotion was worse than usual at the school, there was a group of people in front of Zero's first classroom. So many whispers and mummers being exchanged. Kukai made his way through the crowd to greet him. They high five each other, "what's all of this?" Zero asked. "New student she's in the third year like us" "what's so special about her?" Zero asked making his way through the crowd to get to he seat.

Zero glanced at the person making everything such a huge commotion, She was average height and an average build, nothing about her was extraordinary but she was very attractive. Zero was left in thought.

Her skin was porcelain, clear as day. Her hair went a bit past her shoulders and was silver just like Zero's. She wasn't in the school's uniform, she was in average day clothes; a tight pink skirt ending at her mid-thigh, with a baby blue and pink striped sweater with beaten up shoes to match. Her eyes were bright, and she seemed like the type of girl where her smile could light up the classroom.

The girl seemed to hate the attention she was getting and pretended like no one was there, Kukai patted Zero on his shoulder and interrupted his thoughts. "She's the new it girl now " "Does anyone know her name" Kukai shrugged as a response. The teacher came in a rushed fashion, he placed his coffee-stained papers and coffee mug on his disorganized desk. "Settle down everyone" the teacher yelled over all the commotion.

Everyone sat at their own seat, while the girl stood awkwardly in the corner backpack in hand. "Oh well as you all have noticed we have a new student all the way from America" the classroom filled up with "oh's" and "ah's"

"Why don't you introduce yourself?"

The girl stood in front of the classroom very timidly, the class was extremely silent. She raised her gaze from the floor and beamed

"Hello, my name is Gueterra Marisol-san. It's nice to meet you"

in that instant boys started to cry out " KAAAWWWIIIIIII"

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Okay bye, guys!

The Fault in Our CharasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora