Frowning Dante nodded.

"Dante we- uh- I don't know how to explain this but," Knox started.

"Spit. It. Out." Dante let out through clenched teeth, his 6'3 frame humming with anger.

"It's your father..." Gabriel let out.

The thick silence that filled the room made it hard for Venus to breathe, as she looked at Knox and Gabriel that had worry written across their beautiful faces.

 Dante started shaking, his huge form trembling.

"Show me," he growled.

The men went forward and inserted a USB into the laptop.

The film started, it was towards the borders of the pack, everything seemed normal until a tall man emerged from within the woods, looking around to make sure no one was there.

He then started walking around as if looking for something, his steps sure and determined, his shoulders taut.

Venus watched Dantes's hand clench into a fist, she bit her lip, wanting to help him but refrained.

After a few minutes the man seemed to have pulled out a liquid in a tube, and while chugging his drink down his hood fell off, his face was towards the camera.

Dantes body stiffened and Venus gasped.

The man was an exact replica of Dante, except for the scar running across his left cheek, if Venus didn't know any better she would say that was his ... father.

Her eyes widened, she looked at Dante, his eyes had glazed over.

"I watched him die," Dante said

"I WATCHED HIM DIE HOW IS HE ALIVE," he roared and stood to his full height.

His Lycan was about to come out.

"VENUS GET OUT OF HERE!" Gabriel thundered. Running across the room and taking a hold of Dante, trying to keep him at bay.

Knox rushed to them and pushed him down, trying to slow his shift.

Venus watched petrified, as Dantes styled hair was now messy, his suit had wrinkles on them, the alpha was down on his knees trying to fight back a shift.

As if her body had a mind of its own she walked towards him despite the warnings the Beta and Gamma were giving her.

She went down to her knees in front of him and placed her hands on either side of his face. His trembling slowed down but his body was still working through the shift.

She looked at Knox and Gabrial, nodding for them to leave, they were hesitant at first but then left.

Venus moved back and watched her mate turn into his Lycan, thick midnight black fur sprouted from his body, his clothes tore right through the middle, his body rippling with muscle and humming with power.

there stood her dark Lycan.

Her mate in all his glory standing at 7 feet, he then went on all fours and watched Venus with curiosity in his beautiful eyes.

He rounded her and Venus stood still.

"Lorenzo," she called out, the lycan paused and growled deep in his throat. He liked her calling his name.

"Mate," Lorenzo said, his voice if possible deeper than Dantes and rougher.

"Come here," she said, as she sat on the tiled floor and crossed her legs, she wasn't scared.

Hesitantly he walked towards her and then settled his head in her lap while she ran her fingers through his fur, feeling the silkiness.

He hummed and she giggled.

He looked up and licked her face and Venus shrieked.

"You're too cute," Venus cooed

The offended Lycan puffed his chest out and growled at her statement, cute!

"I am not cute mate I am dangerous," Lorenzo said.

Venus shook her head at him.

After a moment of silence she knew talking about the tape would get him angry so she settled for her unanswered questions instead, Venus asked,

"Lorenzo, why did Dante sleep with Ariana and then again the other day-'

'none of that happened mate, Dante has been loyal ever since he has found you,' Lorenzo said, explaining to her all the events that happened, 

when she first showed up the first time trying to sleep with Dante but he rejected all her advances and told her to leave but she stayed in the guest room and pulled the 'im his mate stunt' the next morning, 

then again when she tried seducing him and Dante tried stopping her but Venus walked in on that and the entire scene seemed to be something it was not,

'Dante is many things but he is not a cheater or abuser,' Lorenzo said quietly, enjoying the feel of Venus running her hands through his fur,

after a while of silence, Venus said,

'can you let Dante take back control please, I want to talk to him?'

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