| WINNER | Imagine #1 - Seunghoon |

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Summary: Vacations went better than expected

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Summary: Vacations went better than expected.

Words: 1239.


A week ago, you graduated, you finished your studies and now you are ready to get out to the exterior; you were happy about it, thrilled, actually. However, the way you wanted to celebrate couldn't be at all since your boyfriend and his group needed to go on tour the same day you finished everything up.

When you got the news through the phone from his part, you were pretty sad about it, but gradually, you felt better since you know how much he loves to be with all his fans. So, instead of celebrating with them your friends invited you to some vacations, and since you didn't have anything else to do you decided to accept. Also, they invited you since you were pretty sad a day after 'Winner' went out of Seoul for their tour.

Currently, your friends and you are at San Francisco, and you can't deny you've had amazing days in here. It's been such a great two days since you arrived, and you can't be more grateful for your friends. But, there's also a bitterness inside you since you haven't contacted your boyfriend.

-Are you sure you want to be alone? – Your friend, Kayla asked.

-Yes, don't worry – You smiled warmly.

-You know you can always talk to me – Kayla added.

-Sure, I know – You nodded. -I'll be back at the hotel in a couple of hours, I really want to walk alone – You admitted.

-Alright then, be careful, and call us if you need something – Kayla said before hugging you, then she just smiled before getting inside the hotel room.

After a few seconds, you let out a sigh and began to caress the back of your head, and then you just got away from the room.


You are walking around the streets from San Francisco; the weather is cool, the wind is pretty gentle against the trees and your skin, and the whole scene makes you want to smile a bit. You feel so blissful right now, you should be happier than ever since you are now completely ready to get a job and focus more in other things, however, you can't deny you miss the boys.

It's not a secret that you are pretty emotional, and that a lot of things can make you cry easily; just as movies, sad songs, and the feeling of missing someone dear to you. Therefore, you began to drop some tears even if it seems so childish and probably stupid.

You sat down on the border of the sidewalk and placed your knees against your face, you curled up like a little kid and tried to keep your tears away from everyone's vision but yours.

-Y/N-ah? – You heard a familiar voice calling your voice.

You immediately turned around and saw Jinwoo looking at you concernedly, you didn't say anything since he started to pat your back gently.

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