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ignore this bc this probs wont make any sense 🤷‍♀️.
she started sobbing. floods of tears leaked from her eyes

"im supposed to be good! im supposed to be good! im supposed to be good..."

the floods kept rushing and rushing, and the air kept swooshing and swooshing. her orange hair swayed back and forth, it seemed like a wildfire against the cyan skies.

"im supposed to be-" hiccup "-better-" hiccup "-than this!".

the floods wouldn't stop coming, and they eventually starting collecting on the ground, creating a body of water of some sorts. it started rising and it wouldn't stop. her tears wouldn't stop.


florence opened her eyes. she was underwater. it was a lot, but the tears couldn't stop.

stop comparing yourself to them

her vision was clear, but she saw no one. what was this? some sort of dream?

florence. your emotions are getting out of hand. stop caring about them

"who are you?! why cant i wake up??"

you cant just wish to wake up and randomly do. you have to push yourself.

"who are you? answer me!" her voice wasnt loud, but it wasnt soft either. it was sharp.

my identity isnt important. neither is trying to please everyone else. please stop crying.

florence sniffled. "you just said that i cant't just wish to wake up, and so you cant wish to make me stop crying!"

let go. stop crying and drowning in your insecurities and anxiety.

"how?! i must be good for everyone!"

but what about yourself?

"i would be happier! i would be so much happier if i didn't have all of their weight on my shoulders!"

but what about yourself?

"are you a broken record machine?"

you would have to become someone entirely new (a/n aye su lyrics) and you wouldn't be happy! just think about it? would you want future generations fake themselves out?

"no! i-"

then be yourself. make a stand.

suddenly, a clone of florence appeared. she was covered in blossoms.

take care of yourself. think about yourself and humanity.

the clone took her hand and led her up. her blossoms starting to bloom into something new. not someone, but something.

the clone let go of florence, and florence started trying to get as much oxygen into her as she can. the ocean wasn't gone, but she's up float. that's a start right?

if u read through this whole thing then u played urself. also florence means blossom/flower and symbolism is my kink! also this will make more sense if i do something like this in a show i create.

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