Chapter 4: First Day

Start from the beginning

 And that's when my own words bit me in the ass, because he turned into Barry Allen for a minute and in a flash grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. His body flush against mine, forcing my head to look directly up at him. The closeness from before was nothing compared to this, everywhere our skins touched I felt so warm. 

It made me remember just how much I loved being close to him, just for this reaction. My body has a Grayson sensor, everywhere he touched felt like it was on fire and every time he looked at me with the intensity he is looking at me now, I could feel my stomach do summersaults inside my body. 

"Grayson" I gasped out since apparently I had turned into a dumb ass teenager again and couldn't even speak properly. I cleared my throat before I tried to speak again but he leaned closer to me, his delicious cologne knocking out my thoughts. Snap out of it Abigail. 

"You might have changed the way you dress and your attitude but your body will always react this way with me" He breathed beside my ear, it was embarrassing how as he said this my lower body yearned to reach out to his. I thankfully stopped myself before I embarrassed myself even further by proving him right. 

He gripped my waist even tighter, forcing me even more against him. I also now hate myself because I should resist more than I am right now. I'm so going to lose sleep over this moment for days to come. 

I could feel just how much turned on he was and I guess that was his plan. "And this is the way my body responds to you. So stop the little games if you're going to start something you're not going to finish" He almost growled out the last words before his stare turned almost angry. 

Why the fuck is he angry? He's the one that decided to invade my personal space.

"You made your point, can you get the hell away from me now?" I said pissed at myself now and trying to push him off me. He rolled his eyes before he separated himself from me and turned towards the door

"Come on, you're doing your first task for me. Isn't that exciting?" His tone had changed into an angrier one and he didn't even wait for me to snap out of my shock before he left the apartment. 

I took a few deep breaths to try to forget the feeling of his body on mine before following him out towards his apartment. He waited for me to enter his apartment before closing the door behind me. 

"You want me to give you a tour?" He said, his tone expressing he wanted anything else other than that. 

And this is the part where I play my cards right and be nice to him and try to get this to go as far as I can and never see him again. But that doesn't really sound like me, and I know how possessive he was of me so I just had to push him a bit.

"No, it's okay I know this apartment better than mine" I said nonchalantly as I fixed a couch cushion to the way it actually was supposed to look. 

Grayson followed my movement and his jaw tensed in response. He cleared his throat before continuing into his room. 

"So you and Rhyland..." He trailed on not letting the question he really wanted to ask leave his mouth. 

"Grayson, I know you are not asking a question you have no business asking" I said to him, hinting at something that made me nauseous to even think about. 

Rhyland and I are like siblings, even drunk we have never thought about it. It's unspoken between us but there is not a circumstance in my life in which one my best friends and I would even kiss. 

"Right, none of my business" He said more to himself than me. During that silence, I finally looked away from him to see the dire state of his room. 

"Oh my god, this is so bad Grayson. This looks like a hospital room"  I gasped once I saw the white walls and only the white furniture. The bed was completely bare with no colors. It all looked bland, without a personality. 

"Yeah, this is what I need you to do. I've been here for days and I just can't do anything about it. So it's all yours. I'll give you the budget, everything goes trough me before it gets bought though" He said to me as I looked around my playground.

"No" Was my only response. 

"What do you mean no? You have to, that was the deal" He said walking over to me. 

I rolled my eyes as he once again invaded my personal space. "You really need to get used to leaving at least 3 feet of space between us. And I'm going to redecorate your room but you're not going to supervise me. It's going to be a secret from you until it's ready" I said to him, trying to get a little bit of control back in my life. 

"You're nuts if you think I'm agreeing to that" He huffed and I pushed him back at least 3 feet like I had said. 

"There, that's the distance that you're going to keep if I'm ever going to be in the same room as you. And yes you are or I'm not doing it" I said defyingly. 

"Okay, have it your way. But I'm going to stay in your apartment in the mean time if that's how you wanna play it" Sabrina is going to cook him up and eat him for breakfast in the first two days. I'll enjoy seeing that. 

"Fine, now leave so I can finish this as fast as I can" I said pulling out pinterest on my phone. 

"Do I distract you?" He said smugly and I just smiled back before pushing him out of the room and shutting the door in his face. 

"I agreed to do this, but I'm not going to be looking at your stupid face while I'm doing it" 

"Reality continues to ruin my life"

- The complete Calvin and Hubbs

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