The City.....( Of gods....)

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A/N: This update took longer than expected because I wrote and wrote....and my laptop deleted and deleted...'Sigh..'

Akura-ou: " I have been waiting too long Author Lady! My head is hurting me, I have to listen to iron lungs here" 'Points at Kuru'


Akura-ou: " They did not have bathrooms in my time..."

A/N: " EWWWW, Tomoe say it isn't true..."

Tomoe: "...."

A/N: "WHA!?!?!?"

Izumo This and Izumo That.

             Kuru stood by the single sakura tree and sighed. She was floating; In the sky!!! She couldn't believe it. It was quiet and so peaceful. It was like peace in a box. A high floating box with little children and a wack'o with horns. Yep...Peaceful. She rolled her eyes in annoyance, the wack'o with horns was getting on her last nerve. She was ready to order him to jump off the edge of the platform and watch him fall. She wondered if he would splat on the ground underneath the shrine. (  Oi...What's wrong with you Kuru?)He would probably get up and pop some bones back into place, then come back. Then she would order him to jump off untill he couldn't anymore. While he did this she would eat her fill of pop-corn.... Fingering the last of the unfallen petals, she sighed. This tree was all alone. Why? Did it mean something? Or was she being paranoid?

" Oi!! Woman!"

Oh great, speaking of the demon.... ( Ha! Get it ? Cause he's a demon and....Yeah..That was a weak joke...'Sigh')  "What is it Baka?"

 He froze, " Do not call me BAKA!! I am more powerful than you can ever imagine!"

" Oh great, this speech again....Do me a favor and jump off, Kay?" She snickered and tilted her head to the side. His eyes grew small as he looked over the edge, " Are you Crazy Pony-Tail Woman?!?" He shot her a don't make me do it look. " Maybe...." She smiled. She liked scaring the crap out of this idiot. He had to much ego and not enough brain power. He was so blunt that it drove her crazy. That morning he said she was loud and whined to much. Then he insulted her by saying she looked like she had the home of a bird in her hair, and that a brush was needed badly. If she didn't brush her hair, she would not only dishonor herself but she would dishonor his good taste in leather and tons of feathers... ( Wow, Who are you? Kurama?) She then told him to sweep untill his hands bleed. She stole a glance at his hands and smirked when she saw bandages wrapped tightly around them. He looked at her again and swallowed. Throwing a foot over the edge he winced.

"Okay, Don't kill yourself....What do you what Baka?"

He glared at her but then smiled brightly. Placing his fists on his hips; He cocked his head, " We are going to the big god city!!"

" No, I'm not...I am staying here and relaxing for the first time in weeks. Plus my shoulder and ankle is sore so....Don't-Bother-Me-Kay?"

He snarled his lip and turned on his heel, "Fine! When I find the best of Izumo's peaches don't ask for any!!" He pouted and crossed his arms. Was this how he got his way? Great she was stuck with an idiot that pouted to much. A spoiled bratt with manicured nails and perfectly brushed hair. How was he a demon? He was almost human, except for the horns and pointed ears. Plus his ego was the ego of one-hundred humans. Oi, Why her? And what was so great about peaches? She decided to play along.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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