The Contract

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Somewhere in the Youkai World....(Really! I have no idea where she is....So I named it somehwere! )

A small, Tiny Contract.....

          Kuru let out an aggravated sigh. She had been walking for hours. Red Light's could be seen behind her as she kept walking. She just needed to find the light right? It couldn't be that hard...Sunlight would be the human world. The human world would be home, and home would mean....Well...To find someone that could tell her about being a god...She paused as she felt a flash go over her. Probably from the blood lose. She was so weak and still she had to keep going... She had to get home....

Back to Akura-ou....

        He slurped down the Sake in his cup and ran his free hand through his Hair... That idiot god. Why was it that humans thought they knew everything? He poured himself another cup and downed it quickly. He couldn't believe it. He winced and rubbed his face. It still stings...... He rolled his eyes and sighed. Youkai chatted around him as he sat at a table in a Youkai market. Old and young, Tall and short. Drunk and sober...He winced and placed a hand on his head. If he kept drinking like this, he would be in the drunk category. He pushed his cup away. Relaxing...That's why he was here... Extraction was stressful....So he had come here to relieve his stress. Strange enough his stress was just building up. The more he sat at this table it annoyed him. Then he heard it... A bunch of drunkards beside him.

" Hey dude? You hear about the new Sky God?"

" Yeah man. One Youkai saw her walking towards the border line.."

" Dude! She'll get squashed!!! Let's go watch!"


        Akura-ou swallowed the lump in his throat and quickly stood up. Well at least he had something fun to do now, Right?

Back to Kuru!!!!

          She saw it....A white line. It looked promising. It had to take her to her world. Just a few more minutes and she would be at her motel home. Back to her normal life. She picked up her pace and was soon in a full run towards the White chalk line.  Stepping over it was so interesting. Because as soon as she did she regretted it. She heard the ground shaking. Strange.....Earthquake? Maybe.... But why was it getting louder? Kuru turned around and looked up. A huge pair of feet was coming towards her...

"WHAT THE CRAP!!!!" She dodged one foot and then the other. Only to see another pair coming towards her. She felt it again. Dizziness. Her blood was coming out to much....Not good... This could not happen now! She saw the feet and dropped down to her knees. So this was it.....This was her end.... She was pretty sure if she died it would be of old age.... Not under the heel of a giant. Why was her life so weird? And why did her death have to be Weirder...... She felt her body start to topple over...And than...Two strong arms wrapped around her.....

Akura-ou's Back....

         The idoit human. She reeked of fear. That's how he found her. Fear was pouring off of her in waves, and to pull it all together the idiot fell to her knees right in front of a giant cyclops. Akura-ou darted towards her in annoyance. Quickly grabbing her in his arms and running back over the line. He looked at  her annoyed...

" Oi! Woman! What were you thin-..."

    She looked at him, wide eyed and then...Toppled over in his arms... He froze for a second trying to grab his thoughts. She was leaning on him....On Him.......He bit his lip and looked down at her....She was out cold. Not to mention she was bleeding...He stopped himself....Oh Yeah! Humans don't heal like Youkai! He slapped himself for being stupid. The drunkards at the Market...They said she was the sky god right? He knew where that was. He tried to attack it 500 years ago... He picked up the girl in bridal style and started walking towards the human world.... " Oi...Your lighter than you look woman...This is good...I would have dragged you if you weren't"..................

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