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Text message

Me: daddy is it okay if I go to Mrs. Brown house, I already asked her she said to ask y'all first

Ronnie (daddy): yea I don't have a problem wit that but can u come get ur brothers, me and your mom want a date night tonight.

Me: sure no problem, they can just play wit April but I'm not gonna be there long

Daddy: okay and your mother said to text her

Me: okay love u

Daddy: love u too

End of text message with dad

Text message with mama

Me: hey ma

Shamari (mom): hey, ur dad told me that ur takin' the boys to ur teacher house

Me: yes so that they can play wit April, don't worry I'm gonna feed them nd have them home at a respectful time

Ma: okay just be careful on the road

Me: I will, y'all be careful too, nd don't drink so much either

Ma: who is u to tell us wat to do, we're grown

Me: ight ma dang love u

Ma: love u too

End of text message

Before I go home I need to go to the store to pick up some thangs.

Okay, I need some lip gloss, my iron pills, some bread. Then I have to get some medicine for the babies, damn I forgot milk and baby food. I'm gonna buy their other thangs at the mall or wateva store I go to next,

"Your total will be 35.00, will that be credit or debit?" The cashier asked

"It'll be debit"

"Okay, here's your receipt have a nice day"

"You too. Now it's time to find us some clothes"

I decided to get the boys some new shoes and a few new outfits

Entering footlocker

"Hello and welcome to footlocker, is there any thang I can assist u wit?"

"Um not right now but I'll let u know when I need u"

"A'ight just let me know"

"I do have a question tho"

"Wats dat"

"Do u go to my school nd don't u go out wit Seven?"

"Yes nd no, ur thinkin' bout my twin brother Zaire, he goes out wit Seven"

"Oh, okay well I'm bout to look for some shoes"

"I'll let u get to it" he replied

"Thanks" I said

"Your quit welcome" 

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