Chapter 1: how evan really broke his arm

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"Yummy.." I licked my lips as I unwrapped one of the many bathbombs I had gotten on my recent trip to Lush. My phone vibrated, and Evan's adorable face lit up the screen. I smiled and picked up. "What's up, Hansen?""h-hey Jared! Are you busy?""nope. Not really. Why?" "W-wanna go to that old apple orchard? The one our moms used to take us too? I hear it's closing.." I grinned. Evan and I had lots of memories there. It was too bad it was closing!"Heck yeah! I'll pick you up in 10!""o-okay! See you then!" I hung up, reaching for my hoodie and slipping it on. Maybe one day I could tell evan how I felt about him.. Maybe one day.

>>wittle timeskip>>

I pulled up to Evan's driveway, seeing him standing at the sidewalk, a sketchbook in his hands. I rolled down the window. "Hey, tree boy! Hop in!" I flicked my sunglasses over my face and unlocked the door. His adorable grin greeted me as he got in. We talked and joked for a while then, and it felt right. It wasn't awkward at all, something I wasn't used too. In a little while, I caught him staring at me. He blushed when he noticed me looking back at him. "You want some ice cream? There's that A La Mode place a little ways down the road." His face lighted up. "Yeah! T-thanks, Jared." I blushed a little at his adorable face. "No problem, Ev." 

-time skiparoo to the orchard-


I hopped out of the car, Jared following close behind. "Look at that oak!" I gasped. " And that one! AND that one!" He smirked. "Calm down, tree boy. There's no need to panic at the disco!" He gave me finger guns, grinning. I groaned, holding back a smile. We continued on like this for a while, quoting songs by our favorite bands and telling unside jokes no one else would understand. We just talked, and took in the view. I looked at Jared. He was looking up, his dazzling blue eyes surveying the even bluer sky. I hadn't relalized how beautiful they were. I blushed at the thought. This was JARED. My family freind of 12 years. I couldn't have feelings for him, could I? I joined him in looking at the sky. 

All we see is sky, for forever.

We let the world pass by, for forever. 

Feels like we could go on, for forever. 

"Two freinds, on a perfect day." I smiled at him. He smiled back, looking into my eyes. My heart fluttered, and I blushed, looking away. A few feet away, I noticed a beautiful 40-foot oak. "OH MY GOD!" I raced over to it. "I NEED TO CLIMB THIS!" Jared wandered over to me, a smile still on his face. I started up, one foot after the other, one branch, then to another.  "Be careful!" He shouted up at me. I reached the top, sitting on the highest branch, and taking in the view. I looked below me, and met eyes with Jared, who was leaning against the tree. He gave me a thumbs up. I felt the branch creaking. Uh-oh. It broke, and I shrieked as I fell to the ground. Everything went black. I opened my eyes a few second later, and looked around. I saw Jared. He'd come to get me. And everything was going to be okay. 

-same scene but from Jared's POV because yeah-

"Two freinds, on a perfect day." Evan said, smiling at me. I looked into his eyes, and he blushed and looked away. His eyes widened, and he ran over to a 40-foot oak a few feet away. "I NEED TO CLIMB THIS!" I smirked. He was so cute. He started up the tree, and I subconsiusly yelled, "Be careful!" Too forward. Evan didn't seem to notice. The branch fell. I gasped, running over to where he fell. "Oh my god. Evan??" A few tears fell down my face as I kneeled down next to my best freind. 

okay, wow. 

i hope that was alright!

it's been 15 minutes since i've seen my gf and i miss her. reeeee

well thanks for reading, and have a good day!

love you guys!

-chrissy <3

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