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Straightening my shoulders, I scanned the street. The crowd was in an uproar because the Alpha King, the leader of the Dark Crescent Pack, was expected to appear at the upcoming parade.

My eyes flickered to the approaching vehicle. As a member of the Council of Royalty, I had been entrusted with the job of shadowing and ensuring the safety and well-being of the Alpha King over a year ago. It was a tedious job at times, but I took it seriously nonetheless.

I adjusted my black hat and surveyed the throngs of people around me. The Alpha King only waved once in acknowledgement of the adoring women calling out his name. It was a rare sight to see him in the presence of others, let alone with a woman.

I couldn’t deny it, he was handsome. His looks alone could easily set him apart from the rest. With his charm, he had a way of making women swoon over him. But I knew better than to be fooled by appearances. Beneath the surface, he was cold-hearted, ruling with an iron fist. Those who dared to disobey him would face unforgiving consequences – death being one of them.

I had witnessed him in battle, taking lives with ease, and when he was angry, his rage was terrifying. Yet, despite all that I had seen, he remained an enigma, who kept his distance from the public eye, revealing little about himself. It was my job to keep it that way.

As his car zoomed past me, I bolted towards the west, diving deep into the dense woods. My senses were heightened as I felt a pair of eyes following my every move. I quickened my pace, my hands involuntarily clenching into fists.

I darted deeper into the woods, ready to pounce at any moment. Then, I saw him – a shadowy figure entering the forest of another pack. My movements were accompanied by the force of the wind as I sneered at his foolishness. He wasn’t the only one with tricks up his sleeve. Unfortunately for him, I wasn’t just any ordinary werewolf. I was the Council of Royalty’s most skilled protector, trained to defend the Royal Family of Werewolves at all costs.

With lightning speed, I jumped between the trees, my powerful muscles propelling me forward. In an instant, I caught him by surprise, grabbing his arms and twisting them behind his back.


His expletive was a clear indication of his frustration as I pinned him to the ground. Though he struggled to escape my grip, his efforts were in vain.

“Who are you?” I demanded. The man remained silent, his stubborn demeanor not faltering in the slightest. “Why are you following the Alpha King?”

His response was a mocking laugh, which only fueled my anger further. “You won’t get anything from me, young lady,” he retorted with a smug expression.

“Don’t make this difficult for us both,” I warned. “Speak up and tell me.”

With a contemptuous sneer, the man remained tight-lipped, refusing to reveal anything. I was just about to coax him into spilling the beans when suddenly, chaos erupted.

Arrows came raining down on me with such ferocity that it felt like the world was ending. Fortunately, my reflexes were sharp, and I managed to evade them, but the man slipped out of my grasp and took off running again.

Cursing under my breath, I made a move to pursue him, but the arrows kept raining down on me relentlessly. Frustration and anger coursed through my veins, and I stomped my feet, feeling the weight of my black boots. As I looked around, I realized that I was far from the pack.

With a deep sigh, I began to trudge back, my mind preoccupied with the growing number of opponents who were after the Alpha King, thirsting for his blood. I knew that I had to be vigilant and protect him.

Queen of the WolvesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon