Chapter 4

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Mr. Payne: -looks down at my phone to text Sophia- "I'm gonna be home quite late. Helping a student study, I hope you don't mind x"

Mr. Payne: -looks up at the text book in front of me and flickers my eyes to him- So... chemical bonding. What exactly is a chemical bond? -looks at Harry expectantly as I cross my arms-

Harry: -bites my lip- A chemical bond is an attraction between atoms. -says flirtatiously as I let "attraction" roll off my tongue, tapping the pencil on my bottom lip, staring back at him-

Mr. Payne: -finds his flirting somewhat amusing and looks away from Harry for a moment- Be more specific. It allows the formation of... -trails off, staring questioningly-

Harry: -sighs, blowing at my lips but finishes the answer- chemical substances that contain two or more atoms.

Mr. Payne: -smiles a little- Mr. Styles, what was it that stopped you from acing your quiz?

Harry: erm...-flickers my eyes away from him momentarily, blushing lightly- *think bubble*(daydreaming about you.) I really don't know. -says unconvincingly-

Mr. Payne: -thinks for a minute before I close the textbook- I think you do. -says lowly as I stand up and walk over to my desk, leaning against it as I stare at you-

Mr. Payne: *think bubble* (I still haven't paid him back for that blowy...)

Harry: -swallows lightly as I stand up as well, intertwining my fingers together behind my back, locking eyes with him, giving a look- and how could you be so sure I do? -questions-

Mr. Payne: -smiles smugly as I look down momentarily- You look like the type of student that would easily let their mind wander. You do don't you? -shakes my head before beckoning Harry over with my finger-

Harry: -nods- I do. -admits innocently, walking towards him and looks up-

Mr. Payne: -grabs your hips- What kind of things do you think about?

Harry: -feels you grip my hips and lets the words slip out before I could agree - Naughty things.

Mr. Payne: -bites my lip and closes my eyes momentarily before my hands slide down to his bum, squeezing as my voice becomes huskier- what naughty things do you like?

Harry: -whimpers as he squeeze my bum before biting my lip- being spanked over your desk, Sir... -trails off quietly yet slutty-

Mr. Payne: -looks slightly surprised at him- *think bubble* (Wow...for 17 he's got quite an imagination ) Huh...I assume with kinks like that there's no way you're a virgin, are ya? -leans down and starts to kiss the side of your neck-

Harry: *think bubble*(wellll... ) -stay quiet as I think before my eyes flutter close, feeling his lips kiss against my neck and moans softly, tilting my chin upward-

Mr. Payne: -says lowly- I'll take that as a no. -flips us both around and presses your hips against the desk as I start to suck on your neck-

Harry: -mewls sensually as you suck on my sensitive skin-

Mr. Payne: -starts to place kisses lower on your neck to right above your collar bone, taking the opportunity to graze my teeth over it and bites down softly, my hands starting to undo your pants- *think bubble* (someone's been bad)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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