Insert Destiel Name Here

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Dean and Gabriel appeared in someone's living room. There were four people, who appeared to be high school students, sitting there watching a movie. It was him, Cas, Sam, and Gabriel.

"Gabriel, what the hell is going on?"

"I'm showing you another universe. We can't be seen or heard."

"Where are we? What universe is this?"

"You'll see."

"Are they watching Mean Girls right now?"

"Hey, that's a good movie! Don't knock it till you've tried it."

They were there for a while. When the movie ended, Dean and Cas carried a sleeping Sam and Gabe up to a small bedroom. The real Dean laughed when his counterpart adjusted their position a little. He'd love to see their faces when they woke up. Their counterparts went back downstairs and came back with bowls of ice cream. They crept back to Cas's room.

"Mean Girls? Ice cream? Really? We are guys in this universe, right?"

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Shut up."

"Cas, do you have any girlfriends?" Dean.2 asked Cas.2.

"No, in fact I do not date girls." He finished off his ice cream and got off the bed, staring into Dean's eyes. Both Deans started to blush.

Dean.2 handed Cas his empty bowl. "Um, Cas, are you gay? 'Cause if you are that's fine." He said the last part quickly. The real Dean was getting confused. What was he doing here?

"Yes. Do not worry. I won't make any moves on you while you sleep."

This caused Dean and Gabe to laugh as Cas smirked and walked out of the room to put the empty bowls of ice cream away.

"Wait a minute, Gabriel I thought you were dead."

"Nah. You think this is my first rodeo? I've 'died' several times."

"So, what now? How much more of this am I gonna see?" Gabe smirked much like Cas did and snapped his fingers.

(This is a scene from "insert destiel name here" by @MoonFyre. You should check it out. It's AWESOME.)

Gabriel The Matchmaker (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now