Divided Loyalties: Part 3

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Rex looked at Ahsoka's limp body, guilt pulsing through his body. There was no other way. He picked Ahsoka up and shoved her under one of the huge fungi, then drew his blasters. Rex stalked toward the front of the barn where the two pirate guards were stationed. He shot both of them before scanning his surroundings for more. So easy a pair of rookies could do it. Ahsoka had been right. He holstered the blasters and hurried back to where he left Ahsoka. He picked her up and opened the barn doors. The ship, though small, had a streamlined triangular look to it, giving Rex the impression that it was fast.

He carried Ahsoka into the ship and deposited her on the floor in a small room. He turned to go but couldn't leave her unconscious on the cold floor. He looked through the other rooms until he found one with beds. Rex grabbed a blanket and mattress and dragged them back to where he left Ahsoka. He put her on the mattress then covered her with the blanket. At least she wouldn't be cold when she woke up, but he couldn't get over how young and helpless she looked. 

Rex couldn't shake away the guilt he felt, though he wasn't sure if the guilt was from not following orders or because he'd shot Ahsoka. If I hadn't stunned her, she would have run straight back to Coruscant and gotten shot. Rex grabbed her lightsabers and locked the door. He didn't want Ahsoka slicing into the cockpit before he could explain what happened. Better contact Fives.

"Fives, you there?" Rex spoke into his comlink.

"I'm here, sir."

"I want you to tell anyone who asks that you heard gunfire and a Rancor and you couldn't find Ahsoka or me."

"Yes sir, but why?" Rex heard the confusion in Five's voice.

"Just do it. After this, I won't care if you never follow another order in your life. Things are changing."

"Yes sir," Fives said, his voice still confused.

Rex turned off the comlink and went into the pirates' ship and took off. For the first time in his life, no one could tell him where to go or what to do.

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