Divided Loyalties: Part 2

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"It's me," Fives said as he stepped into sight with his hands up.

"What happened?" Ahsoka asked.

"They panicked and scattered," Fives said. "I can't blame them. Scattering was probably a smart thing to do. There wasn't any way they could be prepared for that."

"Did many of the others survive?" Rex asked.

"I think about half of them did. I'll try to get in contact with them through their comlinks."

"You round them up. Rex and I will be going after the pirates," Ahsoka said.

Even with his helmet on, Ahsoka sensed Fives's surprise. "You're going after them?"

"Just scouting. After I find out what we're up against, I'll contact Aayla Secura and see if we can get reinforcements from the other side of the planet," Ahsoka reassured Fives.

Rex and Ahsoka took off at a jog.

Even in the darkness, the Rancors' trail was easy to follow but Ahsoka was careful not to follow without looking for traps.

She held up her hand, halting Rex. Ahead of them, she saw the light of a fire. "You circle around to the right, I'll go to the left," she told Rex. The pair split apart.

Ahsoka circled around the camp. The pirates were sitting around the fire drinking. They were various species, including a few who looked like they could have Dathomirian blood. From those Ahsoka saw, she knew they were not from Hondo's gang. Hondo might have shown more mercy. If it hadn't been for the Rancors, who were slumbering around the edge of the camp, the rookies probably would have managed to beat the small gang of pirates.

Ahsoka met Rex on the opposite side of the camp. "See any guards?" she asked him.

"No, but there's a trail a little ways back. Might want to check that out."

Rex led Ahsoka to the path. Judging by the trampled foliage, the pirates traveled it frequently. They followed the path until they heard voices.

Ahsoka and Rex left the path and crept through the dense foliage. Ahsoka spotted the barn, with two pirate guards standing outside it. Rather than watching for enemies, they were talking with each other. Probably bragging about killing the rookies, Ahsoka thought.

Ahsoka motioned for Rex to stay put while she crept to the back side of the barn. She force-leaped to the ledge of a small window. The pirates' ship sat inside the barn. So, that's what they're guarding. Judging by the small size, the pirates had probably managed to get the Ranchors once they were on the planet, leading her to believe a few of the pirates could have been force sensitive, or at least known something about Rancors.

Ahsoka jumped off the window ledge and hurried back to where she left Rex, only to find him deeper in the jungle. "Yes, my lord," he said to someone on his comlink.

When he saw Ahsoka, he slapped the comlink back on his belt, as if he would be punished for using it.

Ahsoka smiled. "There's a pirate ship in the barn and only two pirates guarding it. It's almost easy enough a pair of rookies could do it on their own."

Rex acted as if he hadn't heard her. "Rex? What is it?"

He drew his blaster pistol. "Sorry Ahsoka."

Before Ahsoka had a chance to realize what was happening, Rex leveled the blaster at her and pulled the trigger.

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