Chapter 2 Impossible

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Luke ran as fast as he could, then he stopped dead in his tracks.! He ran as fast as he could to where he saw the red hair. Luke bent down to see it. His beautiful wife Mara.....dead.

He held Mara, and screamed and cried for what seemed like hours. The only reason he stoped was because his throat would no longer scream. Luke got up holding Mara in his arms. He knew who had done this. Jacen.

Jacen had killed his beautiful, sassy, red head. Luke looked up with hate filled eyes. He couldn't show his two kids they're dead Mom, so Luke found a secluded place where he could do the same thing he had done with his Father.

Luke watched, and it almost seemed that Mara was now watching him from the stars. After a while he made his way back to the Jade's Shadow. Once there he just walked in a didn't say a word. Luke noticed that his Father was no longer there.

He walked into the cockpit, and started to take off from Naboo. After a moment Luke put in the courdinates for Bespin, then they were in hyperspace.

Leia could tell that something was wrong. Her brother hadn't said a word to her, or his two children and Mara wasn't with him. H....had she died? It would explain his behavior. Leia put Rey, and Ben down for a nap then walked into the cockpit.

She saw fresh, new tears streaming down Luke's face. Leia went, and sat in the copiolets chair. She put a hand on her brother's back and started to rub in up and down. "Luke what's wrong?" She asked. Luke made an attempt to speak, but it came out as a strangled cry.

Without warning Luke put his head on Leia's chest, and wept for his now dead wife. Leia caressed Luke's hair in a sister love sort of way."Luke.....I'm so sorry." She said once she realized why he was crying, even though he hadn't said anything.

It was an hour later when Luke stopped crying. "Luke you need rest." Leia suggested. Before Luke could protest in someway, she was already up and bringing Luke to the main room on the ship.

Leia had Luke lay down on a small couch. She then put a blanket over him, and stayed with Luke untill he fell asleep.

Leia left the main room, and went back into the cockpit. Everything was a mess. Her son Jacen had turned on them, and he had killed Mara. She knew what thoughts that were probably going through his head.

Leia shook her head, then tried to contact her husband Han Solo. Han did answer after a couple of minutes. "Something happened, what is it?" Han immediately asked.

Leia bit her lip. How could she say this? "So, we have lost someone." She said.

Han raised, and eyebrow. "Who did you lose?" He asked.

Leia bit her lip once more out of nervousness. "J....Jacen killed Mara." She stated.

Han froze. Luke must be a mess. "How's Luke holding up?" He hesitantly asked.

"Not all." She replied.

It had now been an hour since Leia stopped talking to Han. Han was currently on Bespin, that's why they were going there. She heard what sounded like a scream, or a muffled scream. Leia ran into the main room to see Luke sitting up in a cold sweat and shaking.

Leia rushed over to her brother, and put her arm around Luke. "I know it's hard Luke, especially since you loved her so much." She said. Luke once again tried to speak, but it only came out as a strangled cry.

Leia pulled Luke close to her, and  pulled the blankets over them. They both fell asleep like that.

R2-D2 looked at the two sleeping humans. He would have to be the one to pull them out of hyperspace, and land the ship. A droids work was never done.

Hours later the ship had landed on Bespin.

Han Solo, and Lando Calrissian looked at the ship then walked on board to find Luke, and Leia asleep. The both agreed that they didn't want to wake up Luke, and Leia. Lando carried Ben, and Han carried Rey off the ship so the siblings could wake up and be fed.

About an hour later Leia woke up to see Luke still asleep. She didn't want to to wake him, but she had to get up. "Luke." She said softly. A moment later Luke's eyes blinked open.

"I think we landed thanks to R2." She said with a small smile. R2 would have been the only one to land them on Bespin since her, and Luke had been asleep.

Luke slowly nodded his head, and got up. He then cleaned himself up and walked doen the ramp.

It had been a year now since Mara's death. Her death had left a hole in Luke's heart. Luke sat on the grass on the planet of Endor. There wasn't a day that went by when he didn't miss her, or think about her. He would forever remember her loss.

Luke's eyes sprang open. He got up, and walked deeper into the forest untill he saw the blue hue of his Father's force ghost. "I'm so sorry Luke, I know she meant the world to you." Anakin said.

Luke nodded his head. "She did, and she can never be replaced." He replied. No one would replace the hole in his heart, where Mara had been. No one. Luke looked at his Father.

"Why did she have to die?" Luke asked even though he knew his Father didn't know the answer.

"I don't know, but I have someone here that wants to see you." Anakin replied with a smirk.

Who? Who would want to see him? Yoda, or Ben maybe? Luke was not prepared to see his wife's force ghost appear right beside his Father.

"M....Mara?" Luke questioned as tears rolled down his face.

"I have never left you Skywalker."

Luke smiled genuinely for the first time in a year. "You will forever, and always be my love." Luke replied still smiling.

The End

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