Chapter 7 Treat Tester

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Draco awoke the next morning still holding his princess it was still dark out and Rudolph's nose glowed and lit up the room. He knows now that Rudolph is her favorite symbol of Christmas next to Santa. While he's in Hogsmeade picking up her gift he customized he's gonna buy her Rudolph jewelry necklace earring bracelet a Rudolph charm. A few little last minute gifts never hurt especially since it's for his princess and he's gonna treat her as such. Natasha moaned in her sleep. Draco loved hearing her little sighs and moans and of course the sleep talking that happens once in a while.

He gonna wrap up her presents with Rudolph wrapping paper for her since now he knows that she loves that little reindeer. He wondered what she got him for Christmas since the Hogsmeade trip. His parents always went all out for him. They bought him the best suits since they know his fitting measurements they bought him the fastest new racing broom for Quidditch books sweaters and shoes. His stocking was filled to the rim with candy galleons sickles knuts and snake accessories. He wondered what she got him. He reasoned with himself thinking he'd wait until Christmas Day to find out.

Dawn was breaking the morning light was coming in through the window. The sky was gray with hints of pink and orange peaking through. Natasha was still sleeping away dreaming in her own dream world. Draco knows she plans on making sweet treats today and he couldn't wait to sample some of the goodies she's making. He noticed when he came home yesterday she was still in her pajamas he wondered what that was about. He concluded that if she didn't have to go anywhere she'd be in her pjs all day and he's just fine with that. She moaned and moved her head Draco knows she'll be up soon.

She moaned and moved her head again hoping for more sleep but to no avail she woke up and saw her dark prince deep in thought. She smiled at the sight of him his gray eyes deep in thought over something she kissed his cheek which snapped him out of his thoughts Natasha spoke to him.

"Good morning dark prince. Did my dark prince have a good nights sleep?" She asked him Draco leaned down and kissed her lips and spoke to her.

"Good morning princess. I did have a nice sleep thank you for asking. I woke up and my princess was still sleeping away wrapped securely in my arms. Did you have a good sleep princess?" Draco asked her Natasha smiled and answered him.

"I sure did Draco. I woke up and my dark prince was so beautifully handsome especially when he's deep in thought about something. I love waking up and seeing your beautifully handsome face." She told him Draco gave her a crooked smile and spoke to her.

"Making treats and goodies today princess?" Draco asked her Natasha answered him.

"Of course. I need to shower though and get dressed for the day. Thank Merlin I have my own shower so Uncle Severus and I don't have to share. Since we are in this relationship it's gonna be new for him so you'll have to share his shower for a little while until he's used to the idea of us dating." Natasha suggested Draco nodded and spoke.

"Of course princess. Tomorrow we go ice skating and the day after that we go into Hogsmeade if you want to. Cause Christmas Day the stores and shops will be closed and some of them are closing early on Christmas Eve I believe around 4pm and won't reopen until the 26th of December." Draco told her Natasha nodded and spoke to him.

"I probably should go into Hogsmeade with you Christmas Eve and get some books maybe pick up a few last minute gifts for Uncle Severus. I like getting him books especially when I know what he likes. I have no idea what books you're into that's what I'm clueless about. Uncle Severus likes books on potions dark magic defense against dark magic and potions and objects and of course potions ingredients. I just never knew what type of books you'd like." Natasha told him Draco chuckled and spoke.

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