Chapter 6 Draco Watching A Muggle Movie

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The next morning came and Draco and Natasha were both wide awake and Draco was just holding her. They didn't want to go out into the living room and disturb Severus in case he was still sleeping. Natasha spoke to Draco.

"You want to watch the movie right now Draco? It's still dark out this morning and I'd hate to disturb Uncle Severus in case he's not up yet." Natasha suggested Draco answered her.

"Of course princess. I have to check my 12 days of calendar. I'm on day six already. I have six days left in order to find out who sent me the calendar." Draco told her Natasha got up and turned on her tv and her VCR she made sure the channel was on 2 for movie watching. She got her movie Dirty Dancing she was grateful she rewinded the tape the last time she watched it.

Draco rummaged through his trunk and found his calendar sent to him by a mysterious witch. He opened the sixth door and found fake mistletoe with a note attached he read it basically out of curiosity.

Draco I have imagined us kissing under the mistletoe for seven years. You have six days left to find out who I really am and that's the day after Christmas the 26th of December. It won't be long now my sexy prince your patience will be rewarded handsomely. The note said he scratched his head and Natasha spoke to him.

"What did you get for the sixth day Draco?" She asked him Draco answered her.

"Fake mistletoe princess. Whoever sent me the calendar sent me fake mistletoe and has imagined her and I kissing underneath the real thing. Since I'm assuming she's a witch the mistletoe will grow around us and it's impossible to get it unless it's under the lovers. Six days left to find out who she is and five days left until Christmas." Draco said to her Natasha nodded and pushed the tape into the VCR.

The movie was playing and the opening credits appeared with the song Be My Baby. Natasha told him the movie was made in the eighties but the timeline for the story was 1963. The story opened with the Houseman family going to a resort called Kellerman's for their 3 week vacation. Natasha told Draco that Lisa the dark haired girl was a spoiled brat who always got her way. The Draco was watching the characters learn a dance called the merengue. Natasha got excited when actor Patrick Swayze came on. Natasha explained to Draco he teaches the main female character Baby how to dance later on.

The Houseman family had their dinner as the film continued and then was introduced to Max's grandson Neil. Neil and Baby ended up dancing on the main floor. Baby couldn't dance. Finally the character Johnny played by Patrick Swayze came on to the screen with his dance partner who taught the merengue class earlier and began dancing the mambo for the guests. Somehow Baby slipped away and went for a walk and found Billy who was carrying watermelons and offered to help him. Billy was the guy who got their luggage in the beginning scene.

Baby followed him up to the staff quarters Billy opened the doors and Baby saw everyone dancing the way they wanted too. It was very close and personal dancing even with the fast upbeat music. Baby wondered where they learned to do that kind of dancing Billy didn't know the answer and they carried the watermelons inside. Baby ended up dancing with Johnny for just a spell who was teaching her their style of dancing on the spot. Suddenly the movie continued with Baby talking to the dance teacher who taught the merengue class in the beginning.

Another scene came up and the Houseman family was waiting for a waltz Neil asked Johnny where Penny was Natasha explained to Draco that Penny was the dance instructor from the merengue scene. Neil and Baby went outside to be alone. Baby saw Lisa and Robbie in an agreement and Baby left with Neil. Baby followed Neil into the kitchen who offered Baby anything she wanted. Baby found Penny shaking and crying under the counter. She ran back to the gazebo and told Billy she found Penny. Billy told Johnny who was dancing with another lady.

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