Ugly// Courtney Act X Reader

Start from the beginning

"Dirty Diana, nah
Dirty Diana, nah
Dirty Di-ana, nah
Dirty Diana
Let me be!Oh no
Oh no
Oh no" and I continued my small, slow movements through the song. My voice carried so much passion and I put my all into it, just as I did every night. When I finished the song I made my way to the sidelines of the stage where a water bottle sat ready for me,  I silently thanked whoever set it there before drinking half of it quickly. When I go back to centre stage I feel a lot more hydrated and energised. "Okay everybody, my time is almost over, the woman of the hour is gonna make an appearance soon! Enjoy the rest of the show everyone! Bye!" I say, waving at the audience who cheered loudly for me, the sound making my heart flutter, to know I had such an effect on people really warmed my heart. When I got backstage I made my way to one of the moderately sized dressing rooms, there was 5 rooms but at the moment only 2 were being used, one by me and one by Courtney.  I spend the next ten minutes beginning to de drag, I had quickly washed off my makeup and had changed from my show outfit into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black tank, I put on a pair of plain black pull ons. Before I had the chance to do anything else my phone rings, I check the screen to see Brianna, she was one of the tour supervisors. I answer with a confused 

"Hello?" I hear a sigh through the other side of the line. 

"Y/N I need you to go next door and see if Courtneys ready, the others and I are spread throughout the studio and you're the closest person to her" She says, I nod, although she couldn't see. 

"Sure, I'll tell her to move her ass" I say, a slight joke in my words. Throughout the past couple of weeks I had grown closer to Courtney, not too close but we shared a few jokes and we spoke comfortably. I hang up the phone and make my way out of my dressing room, I knock on the nearby door which I knew Courtney was behind. 

"Courtney? you ready?" I ask, knocking on the door gently. I wait a moment without hearing an answer before I speak again 

"Courtney? is everything okay?" I ask, as I strain my ears to listen out for some hint of life behind the door. When I heard a sniffle mere seconds later I wasn't sure how to react, I tap on the door twice again. 

"Courtney? Whats wrong?" I ask, my voice slightly more worried. I hear a choked sob and immediately open the door, ignoring the small part of me that felt guilty for just barging in but I doubted Courtney would mind much. I follow the sniffling sounds and find her curled up under her makeup counter, she had her arms wrapped around herself and her eyes were slightly smudged with black. I could see the tear tracks from where I stood, when I enter she looks up at me and I can see the sadness heavy in her eyes. 

"Oh Courtney" I let throw myself on the floor and scoot over to her, I pull my wig off and set it along with my bobby pins on a nearby counter, my long Y/H/C hair now lay free. 

"Whats wrong?" I ask, taking her hand in mine, I didn't want to push the physical contact right now. She glances up at me, her wig was slightly awry but she still looked beautiful, tears and all.

"Talk to me" I say softly, she leans forward and buries her head in my shoulder much to my surprise. I put my unoccupied hand on her back and rub it comfortingly. 

"I-I don't kn-know" she hiccups, pulling away, only enough to look up at me. "I... I don't know whats happening, I- can you please just hold me?" she asks, her vulnerability showing. I nod and pull her to me, not saying a word as I let her cry, as I hold her I send Brianna a quick message to ask her to stall the audience, I knew she'd figure something out, I hadn't given her more information than a small hiccup. I'm not sure how long it took exactly, it could have been 30 seconds or 15 minutes, but after an amount of time I feel the blonde pulling back. I look down at her soaked face and feel myself frown 

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